Chapter 14 ~

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As Violetta and Leon were about to kiss, they heard a familiar voice shouting Violetta's name as they looked towards the door, and they saw Tomas making Violetta and Leon look at him.


Violetta: Tomas? what are you doing here?

Tomas: No, what are you doing with this bad boy in your room, you are about to kiss him, don't you know what kind of person he is?

Leon: Violetta? are you okay?

Tomas: Oh, like you care about her? what were you going to sleep with her and then leave her, isn't what guys like are like?

Violetta: Tomas!!!

Leon: No, Violetta it's okay, I'm going to leave you two to talk, I'll see if dinner is ready.

Violetta: I'm sorry, Leon.

As Leon smiled at her, he walked past Tomas while giving him a dirty look making Tomas look at Violetta as he couldn't believe she would fall for a guy like him, but jealousy was also coming out of him.

Violetta: How dare you come to my house and disturb my family dinner.

Tomas: Why is Leon here then?

Violetta: Because my dad invited his family over and we are having dinner together.

Tomas: Then what are you two doing in your bedroom mm?

Violetta: We were talking, Tomas.

Tomas: No, you weren't just talking Violetta, you two were nearly kissing how could you fall for him he's a bully.

Violetta: No, he wants people to see him that way but a nice guy a whole bad boy is just an act, he wants you to know him like that but really, he's changing.

Tomas: Violetta, he's bad news do you want people at the studio to talk about you more mm? The students bullying you about your angel look is bad but wait till students find out that you've been kissing the bad boy, especially Ludmila how do you think she's going to feel?

Violetta: Ludmila's interested in you and Francesca is also interested in you, Leon is out of the equation and Ludmila thinks you and I have things but Tomas we are just friends, bests friends that's all we are ever going to be.

Tomas: I just don't want you to get hurt because of someone like him, he can play with your feelings.

Violetta: Just go home, Tomas.

They walked downstairs and her dad and Leon's family were sitting at the table as dinner was ready, Tomas left and went to the table and sat next to Leon.

Leon: Are you okay?

Violetta: Yeah, I'm sorry I took so long.

Herman: It's fine, we have only now started eating and Leon told us you were on the way down.

Violetta: Right.

As they talked over dinner, they had a great time just laughing and getting to know each other again, until they went home since it was getting late, Herman walked them out and Violetta turned towards her dad.

Violetta: That wasn't a bad night.

Herman: No, I told you Leon's family are chilled back and lovely people.

Violetta: How come you stopped hanging out with them?

Herman: Things just got complicated after your mom died, I had to leave for my business but also, but I had responsibilities that were looking after you.

A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Where stories live. Discover now