Chapter 9 ~

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Violetta was writing in her diary as she remembered what happened yesterday when she showed up in her angel costume and everyone laughing at her, Angie walked in.

Angie: Hey, how come you are not dressed for the studio?

Violetta: Are you kidding I am never showing my face there again. I embarrassed myself.

Angie: Violetta, you are going to let this stop you from going to the studio, because of some stupid angel costume?

Violetta: No, I am letting my embarrassment stop me from going to the studio.

Angie: This has to be Ludmila.

Violetta: How do you know?

Angie: Because of what you have told me about her, she has to be the one behind it, and you aren't going to let her bully you out of the studio you deserve to be there Violetta even if that is just taking piano but you go to the studio hold your head high.

Violetta: You're right, Angie I can't let some evil girls bully me, which is why I'm going to stay right here forever, my dad is right every time I leave the house bad things happen.

Angie: Violetta, bad things don't happen just because you leave the house every day your dad isn't right to look life is about tests and obstacles it's how we grow and learn but telling yourself you are not going to the studio because someone made you embarrassed isn't facing or growing up its hiding if you hide from your problems and not face them then they will just haunt you in the future.

Violetta: Okay, you're right, I have to go to the studio and face my problems I can't just hide from them, I will go to the studio Angie.

Angie: Good, you know it might not be that bad.

They hugged tightly, but Angie pulled away from her and told her off.

Angie: But you go behind my back and escape like that you will get on my bad side, and you don't want to be on that side Hmm?

Violetta: Sorry.

Angie: Mm.

Angie left and Violetta got dressed for the studio as she went downstairs for breakfast, it was then time for the studio as she walked in students started to laugh and bully her.

Guy: Hey, guys watch out the angel has come to share her wings with us.

They were still laughing at her, and Leon came in making Violetta look at him.

They were still laughing at her, and Leon came in making Violetta look at him

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Leon: Why don't you pick on me eh?

Violetta watched him walk closer to her.

Violetta: Thank you.

Leon: Don't listen, stand up for yourself.

Violetta: Try and be better.

Leon: You got to class with Beto or...

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