Chapter 43 ~

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It was rehearsal day in the theatre Leon woke Violetta up and told her to go home since her dad was probably worried about her, as he went to the theatre to rehearse, Violetta was at home talking to her dad.

Herman: Oh, hey did you enjoy having dinner at Leon's?

Violetta: Yeah, thank you for letting me stay over there I just needed some space to think.

Herman: Think about what, honey?

Violetta: Dad are you sure this is going to be the best day of your life?

Herman: Well, it can never be my best day of my life because the best day of life was when you were born.

Violetta: I'm serious dad, I know I encouraged you to do this but I just want you to be sure and not regret because this is the rest of your life.

Herman: Honey, I'm happy and Jade will be fine once she gets used to being here all the time.

Violetta: Okay, can I get a hug?

Herman: Sure.

She hugged her dad tightly and the doorbell went, as Violetta pulled away to get changed as she was meeting Leon at the theatre, she grabbed her bag and made her way to the theatre.

As she sat down in the crowd they started rehearsing Leon, Naty and others were playing the manikin band as they were saying say yes Violetta started to imagine herself singing with Tomas.

Violetta clapped for them at the end and Angie walked up to her and sat down.

Angie: Hey, you came? I thought you were regretting coming here yesterday?

Violetta: I thought it would cheer me up and besides what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't come and cheer on my boyfriend.

Angie: You love him don't you?

Violetta: More than I ever loved anyone, he just makes feel good and he's always there when I need him.

Angie: Well that's the point as long as he makes you happy then that's all that matters.

Violetta: I guess it like dad and Jade.

Angie: That is not the same Violetta, Jade loves your dad but your dad doesn't love her the same way.

Violetta: What? How can you say that?

Angie: Because it's true Violetta your love for Leon is different to your dad and Jades.

She got up and Tomas came down the stage and hugged her.

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A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Where stories live. Discover now