Chapter 31 ~

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Violetta pulled away from Leon and started to tell him what was wrong with her.

Violetta: Tomas, is the reason why I'm like this.

Leon: Yeah, what happened?

Violetta: Tomas is going back to Spain.

Leon: Wait a minute, you had to leave just for that? Just so he could tell you that he was leaving he could've told you today instead of when we were having time

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Leon: Wait a minute, you had to leave just for that? Just so he could tell you that he was leaving he could've told you today instead of when we were having time.

Violetta: Leon.

Leon: What?

Violetta: Did you hear me, he's moving to Spain.

Leon: Violetta, I couldn't care less if he was just moving down the street he probably just said all of that just for attention, because he knew you were with me, he has a stupid crush on you, like that is messed up.

Violetta: Leon!!! You are so complicated to talk to.

Leon: Enough!!! Can't you see that he is trying to get in between us? Let me guess he asked you to go with him, didn't he?

Violetta: Yes, but I told him that I couldn't because of the studio and my friends mostly you Leon because I love you.

Leon: Violetta, did you tell them that we slept together?

Violetta: I just said that I was enjoying my time with you and he questioned me.

Leon: But he knew you were with me right?

Violetta: He guessed I was with you, Leon I don't like the way you are talking to me right now.

Leon: Yeah, I don't like that he is the third person in this relationship and you don't even see it, so that's it you need to make a decision is it going to be us or him? because I'm done with being in this stupid love triangle.

Violetta: You are going to make me choose? Leon, he's my best friend I've known him longer than you, you have only now come into my life.

Leon: Violetta...

Violetta: No, Leon I'm not choosing between you because that isn't fair on me I don't want to lose either of you.

Leon: Then I'll make it easy for you as far as Tomas is still here, we can't be together Violetta.

Violetta: What? Leon, I gave myself to you and now you are just going to leave like some player?

Leon: Whoa, just until Tomas goes to Spain and then we can be together.

Violetta: If he doesn't go to Spain?

Leon: Then you will have to make sacrifices between us me or Tomas and I know who you are going to choose, so you will lose one of us.

Violetta: I hate you for doing this to me, what kind of boyfriend are you?

Leon: A boyfriend who doesn't want to be part of something that I can never compete with.

A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Where stories live. Discover now