Chapter 49 ~

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Leon and Violetta arrived at the restaurant and Leon helped her out of the car while Violetta held his hand to get out of the car, when she looked at the restaurant Leon closed the door behind her, and held out his arm for her to take.

Leon: *Holds put his arm* M'lady.

Violetta: *Held his arm* thank you, kind sir.

They walked into the restaurant and the waiter showed them the table they reserved for them and Leon pulled out Violetta's chair.

Violetta: Where did you find this restaurant?

Leon: I know people.

Violetta: You know people? Don't tell me this where you went with Ludmila Leon.

Leon: What?

Violetta: Answer the question, did you ever bring Ludmila here?

Leon: Uh... no...

Violetta: You haven't you? I can't believe you would bring me to where you and your ex-girlfriend have been.

Leon: My love *Holds her hand*Calm down.

Violetta: No, Leon how could you do this to us? Is this what our relationship is the rebound of you and your ex?

Leon: No, it isn't.

Violetta: Then why did you bring me here? To replace her?

Leon: No, it's just a restaurant Violetta.

Violetta: But it isn't just a restaurant Leon because it's a place where you and your ex have been, you make me sick.

She got up and was about to leave but Leon stopped her.

Leon: Babe, where are you going?

Violetta: Home!!! I'm not eating here with you.

Leon: Please, Violetta look I'm sorry okay? But please don't go.

Violetta: Leon, I can't eat here as it is bringing thoughts of you two being here all lovey and talking about the night.

Leon: Look, it doesn't mean anything to me anymore, you are who means more to me than anything.

Violetta: How can I believe that?

Leon: Because it's the truth, come on baby.

Violetta: Fine, I'll stay as long as I don't land up as her and have sex on a table with you.

Leon: I promise it won't end like that, if anything it'll be in the bathroom.

Violetta: *About to get up* What!!!

Leon: Shh, baby I'm kidding.

Violetta: You were my first time Leon, but that doesn't mean I would turn into your ex-girlfriend and give you what you need every time.

Leon: And I wouldn't expect you to besides the difference between you and Ludmila is I actually can take you out on cute dates because with Ludmila it wasn't like this we would just argue or just end in bed.

Violetta: Oh, so I'm the lucky one.

Leon: No, I'm the lucky one.

Violetta: and now you're leaving me?

Leon: Baby, you know if I had a choice I would want to stay with you all the time.

Violetta: But you do have a choice, Leon and that is don't go.

Leon: Hey, this is supposed to be a good thing, not a sad thing.

Violetta: *About to cry* But I can't picture my life without you, my life has made sense since I met you. I found a best friend and a boyfriend in one person that I never could with Tomas.

A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Where stories live. Discover now