Chapter 33 ~

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Violetta saw Tomas talking to his mom outside the house when she walked up to them as she didn't want to interrupt.

Tomas's mom: Ah, Violetta, how are you? oh my god look tall you are.

Violetta: It's nice to see you again.

Tomas's mom: I'll leave you alone.

Violetta sat down on the wall and Tomas sat next to her.

Violetta: This is it; you are leaving.

Tomas: Violetta, you don't have to act like you care look at you with Leon now, and to me, you look happy since you are glowing, I knew he would get in your underwear somehow.

Violetta: I didn't come to talk about my relationship with Leon, and Tomas I came to talk to my best friend.

Tomas: I can't, Violetta because if you are with him there is no friendship between us.

Violetta: What are you saying Tomas, that you don't want to be my friend anymore?

Tomas: Violetta, I'm going to Spain, and I might not be coming back, what kind of friendship will have when you are here and I'm over there it's impossible.

Violetta: So, I'll come with you.

Tomas: NO, Violetta I couldn't ask you to do that, I know I did ask you, but I knew you wouldn't leave your dad or Leon for that matter.

Violetta: You know what Tomas, your right maybe our friendship is over, because you can't accept the fact that I'm happy with a guy and you know what yes I had sex with him but do you know what I am happy, I just wish you could accept my happiness too, you're going to Spain to be with your dad for your happiness and well Leon is my happiness. you know what have a great trip.

She walked away and Tomas shouted her name.

Tomas: Violetta!!!

Violetta went home because she was angry, when she was resting thinking about Tomas and all the fun times they had together, someone knocked on the door.

Violetta: Come in.

Francesca: Hey.

Violetta: Francesca, what are you doing here?

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Violetta: Francesca, what are you doing here?

Francesca: I came to see how you were since you weren't at the studio.

Violetta: Oh, sorry I argued with Tomas, and I just couldn't face the studio right now.

Francesca: Because he's leaving right?

Violetta: Not just that, I just hate how much he has so much negativity on my relationship with Leon that he is leaving because he can't cope seeing me happy with someone else because he's selfish.

Francesca: Violetta, it is his dad, he doesn't see him much not like you with your dad, how is going to Spain to see his dad selfish?

Violetta: It's not, I'm just angry.

A Best friend or A Boyfriend  *Tomletta and Leonetta*Where stories live. Discover now