The Newbies

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Today was another boring morning I thought as I got up from my bed, changing into more adequate clothes for the day and heading outside to the garden to see yams my only friend, which may sound sad to others but I like it as I really only like yamaguchi everyone else is annoying, loud and/or stupid "hey tsukki good morning!" said yams waving to me inside the garden or rather his garden "good morning yams" I said back walking into his beautiful garden, it had many flowers, plants, small and large fountains and a pond that held some water plants "did you need anything tsukki?" asked yams

"no I just like to visit the garden" I responded looking around 

" is quite beautiful, I'm thankful to the hephaestus cabin for making it for me" yams said as I wandered around the garden like almost every day but I must as it always looks different or atleast the flowers do as yamaguchi takes very good care of them and because he's the son of Antheia the goddess of flowers.

 As a few hours went by, I left the garden to see three people stumble in quite hurt and yams being yams rushed over to help them saying "oh my gods are you three okay???" I sighed following behind him towering over two of them who I noticed weren't as hurt as the other one....interesting, when we got closer to the base of camp I saw that above the most hurt one's head lit up the sign of hephaestus and soon after the two other got chosen by there godly parent, so we have another hermes, hephaestus and apollo and almost all of them look like trouble but ironically the son of hermes "CHIRON" yelled yams making chiron hurry out seeing the three injured boys as the son of hephaestus looked up at chiron he screamed which was kinda funny as it was a very loud pitched scream then he fainted probably from the pain of the injuries and seeing a centaur, and the two other boys had fainted when they saw the sign of there godly parent claiming them. 

Yams and I were forced to wait for the three to wake up luckily apollo's child woke up fast but unluckily he was a chatterbox interrupting yams at every sentence of his explanation of camp half-blood, soon the hephaestus kid and hermes child woke up around the same time hermes child then started whispering to apollo's kid before saying "hi my name's kenma" it was a cautious hello as he said it kinda slow or maybe he was tired it's hard to read him "IM HINATA" said apollo's kid way to enthusiastically for my taste and I could tell yams got a bit scared or surprised from how loud he is as he flinched slightly away and towards me "I'm kuroo" said hephaestus's son with a cocky grin "who are you guy's and where are we?" he questioned "tsk, I'm tsukishima and this is yamaguchi" was all I said as I stood up almost leaving when yams spoke up "wait tsukki!" I looked back at yams seeing that he must have still been scared of the loud one and I guess kuroo scared him a bit too so I walked back sighing as I sat down grumbling "fine". 

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