Starting The Journey

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Well kuroo and hinata are excited while kenma is annoyed about having to leave, oikawa, kageyama and iwaizumi were just happy to go on a mission again while kita had gone to tell kenma and hinata's teacher's but he seemed cool with leaving camp but yams looked absolutely terrified and I don't blame him when he had come to camp he was quite beaten up from monsters luckily it wasn't to bad and he recovered fast but only I and a few apollo kids know that he hasn't recovered mentally that's probably the thing that worried me the most about leaving camp, I'll just hope that he can come over it. 

It's been 2 hours since I told the group and since then we've been packing, training, planning and hanging out with friends well at least the others were the only friends I have are yams, kuroo and akaashi I've already said goodbye to akaashi and talked with him and I didn't feel like following yams or kuroo around as they did there thing so I'm just admiring the ocean, it's always been calming to me "hey tsukishima" I heard someone say from behind me, looking back I saw that it was sugawara "nadia says it's time for us to leave camp" he said I nodded okay and stood up and headed back to camp suga close behind, when we reached camp I quickly headed to my cabin and grabbed my things then walked to the armory grabbing my sword that kuroo had said was beautiful, it is white with a pink rose at the end of the handle and gold vines wrapping around the handle for a grip I really love this sword so I hope it doesn't break, I also grabbed a few knives they are blue with foresty like design on the handle's they were also custom made for me by the same hephaestus kid that made my sword, I then noticed kuroo's sword it was a red sword with a bird design on the handle which he had surprisingly made himself but before I could get more in depth with my thoughts kuroo rushed in grabbing his sword before noticing me and smiling "hey tsukki c'mon a group of pegasi not to far from here" kuroo said before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the entrance of camp half-blood where chiron, Mr. D and Nadia were with a few other kids who were still saying goodbye to their friends. When we got closer to the group iwaizumi, oikawa, kita, yams, kenma, sugawara and hinata approached me and kuroo when kuroo let go of my hand he walked next to hinata and smiled at me when oikawa spoke up "well what do you want us to do tsukishima?" I was quite surprised at what he said, I mean why would any of them let me lead "w-what?" I questioned my surprise finally showing itself to them when yams walked up to me "well you are the one to lead us on this mission so what should we do tsukki?" he asked, smiling his happy smile that was always able to calm me down "I-uh we should leave camp and see if the pegasi are still there" I said walking to the entrance of camp hearing their footsteps not far behind before I heard them all say "yes captain!".

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