Sword Training

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It's been a week since I started training kuroo and I must say he's awful at sword fighting but okay in archery and is quite fast and strong he also gets along with the pegasus's but is quite mischievous as a few nights ago he made me sneak around camp with him.....it's kinda fun having him around "hey tsukki" said kuroo as he had started calling me that after he heard yams say it a few times "what?" I questioned looking at him

"let's go to the climbing wall!" he said, making me sigh and shake my head 

"no you're pretty good at the climbing wall so you should work on sword fighting" I said walking off to the arena.

 On the way to the arena I stopped at the armory and picked out my sword from the other's, it's white with a pink rose at the end of the handle and gold vines wrapping around the handle for a grip "wow....that's a beautiful sword" said kuroo staring at it in awe 

"yeah I had one of your siblings make it for me" I said smiling to myself at it's craftsmanship "you should make an original one for yourself" I said looking at kuroo as he reached for a plain sword, he looked up at me when I said that kinda surprised "you are a son of hephaestus so you should at least learn to make a sword" I said making him nod saying 

"yeah I guess I should" and with that we left the armory. After much training and whining from kuroo I finally gave in "alright alright were done with sword fighting for today" after I said that kuroo lit up "yes!" he semi shouted 

"c'mon we need to put the swords and armor away" I said walking off when I heard 


I looked over to the voice seeing kenma and akaashi walking towards us, akaashi is the son of tranquillitas who is the goddess of tranquility, security, calmness, peace she's a minor god who was added to camp half-blood due to the famous percy jackson and his friends doing of course I'm glad they did that as I quite like akaashi and his siblings cause the can calm down anyone, "hey kyanma'' kuroo said obviously pronouncing his name wrong, akaashi and I both had the same face of surprise when he butchered kenma's name as a bokuto a son of kratos who happened to butcher akaashi's name "hey tsukki, akaashi what's with the surprised faces?" asked kuroo looking at us "you remind us of bokuto a son of kratos" stated akaashi bluntly which made kuroo laugh his weird hyena laugh "oh yeah I met him, he's awesome!" said kuroo making akaashi look away from him turning kenma around and walking away making me chuckle a little at how akaashi handled that, I then left a confused kuroo near the arena.

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