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Kuroo's pov:

As we yelled for tsukki to come back kenma had to hold my hand to make sure I didn't run after him and make sure I stayed in the moment, we soon lost sight of him and everyone stopped shouting for him to come back and we all just kinda stood there in silence thinking of what we could possibly do, I mean we just lost the smartest person on our team who knew everything about what to do and where to go "we should get moving.." oikawa said "get back into the formation we had but kenma you lead" he said as kenma went to the front and started looking around and pointing out the places tsukki had avoided as I silently followed in a kinda lost way.

Iwaizumi's pov:

Kuroo was pretty out of it and it was obvious, I feel bad for him this guy that he's crushing on who's usually so calm headed looked as white as a ghost as he ran after yamaguchi as if he was the only thing in the world that mattered and tsukishima is the one who was assigned to be our leader and yet he's just run off abandoning us to just follow and hope he's gotten yamaguchi back, I sighed all this was really pissing me off these newbies shouldn't have been assigned to this mission especially tsukishima he was happy at camp even if it was hard to tell then it's clear as day now, ever since we left camp he's been sort of paranoid and always making sure yamaguchi is safe which means he probably hasn't recovered from the day he showed up, that was an awful day, tsukishima wasn't there when yamaguchi showed up but he had shown up with a huge gash wound, his head bleeding and he was dragging a broken leg with a badly done splint it was an awful sight to see, he had so much blood over him though most of it wasn't his the satyr who was accompaning him died protecting him and it's a miracle he survived any of that as a 8 year old it was crazy, and now he has to deal with being kidnapped by some stupid kobold the poor boy has been through enough and he's probably having a panic attack right now or something gods I hope tsukishima get's to him in time.

Oikawa's pov:

Everyone's pretty on edge after tsukishima ran after yamaguchi but they're pretty lucky that I lead the mission iwa-chan, tobio-chan and a few others went on though that was a while ago and it was nothing compared to this, we just had to visit the underworld as something was going on in tarturas so the infamous percy jackson had to go help us fix it even though he was a ghost...kinda fucked up but we're just thankful we didn't have to do as much and it was us just fighting the monsters down there which we're very scary, tobio-chan still has nightmares about them since he was only 8 while I was 10 and iwa-chan had turned 11 just that week I sighed thinking about our time in tarturas but quickly being shaken out of my thoughts when kenma stopped and looked back at me for assistance as we had hit a fork in the road yayyyyy ugh with tsukishima's panicked state I doubt he wouldv'e left any trail for us to follow and those stupid kobold would probably have gone either way with no direction in mind so it's a 50/50 on which way we could go so I just waited and listened to try and hear any sound I could and try and pin point which way it came from and then ever so faintly I heard someone whispering from the right tunnel which was really weird because why would tsukishima be whispering i'm pretty sure it'd be obvious it was us if he was back tracking but then I heard a another voice that could definitely not be either of our missing friends so that leaves one possible answer, the right tunnel was where some roman scouts were and to the left is probably where tsukishima and yamaguchi were "alright everyone let's go left" I said which just got a nod from kenma and he started walking towards the left before someone said "wait!" and then there was a loud bang before the boy showed himself he had light dusty orangey brown hair and circled eyebrows with wide eyes and the prettiest shade of green "KOMORI" I heard someone yell as another loud bang was heard and another showed himself yelled another guy as he quickly ran over to us, this guy had fluffy more brownish hair with thin eyebrows and more lowerset eyes that we're a nice hazel color "oh uh sorry yahaba" said the komori as he looked at us sadly as if he had been expecting someone else "it's alright komori but what are you people doing here" he said looking at us curiously "ah we are from camp half-blood and were sent by our oracle" I said smiling at them "oh well then we've been expecting you" said yahaba "what are your names?" komori asked looking at us "ah right, i'm oikawa tooru son of Nike" I said smiling then looking at iwa-chan "iwaizumi hajime son of Kratos" he said giving them a polite bow "kenma kozume son of Hermes" he said walking over to hinata "i'm hinata shoyo son of Apollo" he said smiling at them as he hugged kenma "kita shinsuke son of Hygieia" he said bowing to them "kuroo tetsurou son of Hephestus" kuroo said smiling at them "sugawara koushi son of aphrodite" said suga giving them one of his sweetest smiles "kageyama tobio the better son of Nike" said the stupid brat but before I could prove I was better iwa-chan grabbed my shoulder hard and stopped me from moving so I just turned my head and glared at tobio-chan "that's not all of us though, we lost one down that way to some kobold and then another chased after him they are yamaguchi tadashi a son of Anthia and tsukishima kei son of Athena" he said as the two roman's nodded and then asked us to follow them as they'll need to report that we'd arrived and also that we lost two from our group.

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