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We soon arrived at a gate that opened up revealing Camp Jupiter, it was amazing with beautiful architecture just like what percy jackson's diary said "hey kentaro!" yelled a guy as he walked over to us, he was tall with a dark-brown clean-cut and thick eyebrows, he's fairly tall and has a muscular, athletic build, his eyes are an interesting almond shaped and have foxlike pupils which is quite weird as the only roman god that is related to foxes is Teumessian, he was sent to prey on children of thebes as punishment by the gods which many believe to have been dionysus who sent him "hello o-niisan" said kyoutani as he walked over to the tall boy slightly bowing his head as the taller ruffled his hair before looking at me "you must be tsukishima" he said smiling at me "yes" I responded

"great, your friends are waiting for you at the first cohort so please follow me" he said before turning to the romans "you all get some rest, I know you've been working hard lately" he said before turning on his heel and leaving as yahaba, kyoutani and I followed while shibayama and kuguri went off to wherever.

When we reached the first cohort I was tackled by yams who started sobbing into my arms as I soothed him. I feel so bad it's been a day since we've seen each other but he doesn't seem to be hurt so that's good "tsukki!!" kuroo said grabbing yams and I into a big hug which suga, oikawa and hinata quickly joined which seemed to make yams calm a bit which was nice so I decided not to push them away "well where were you?" asked oikawa after everyone calmed and got situated into a circle on the floor "I fell into a hole" I said making kageyama laugh but was quickly glared at by kuroo, yams and I which quickly made him quiet down a bit "what happened while I was away?" I asked curious if they'd been doing anything

"Well we got the rest of the prophecy" said oikawa handing me a piece of paper which I quickly looked over and honestly this was a pretty bad prophecy, thank god we have oikawa and iwaizumi with us "which romans are coming with us?" I asked curiously

"we've decided on Daishou Suguru the son of Petulantia goddess of pride and praetor of Camp Jupiter, Yahaba son of Venus roman version of aphrodite, Akagi son of Clementia goddess of mercy and clemency, Hiroo son of Aergia goddess of sloth, Kyoutani son of Potestas god of power, Aran another son of Potestas and then Komori son of Laetitia goddess of lightheartedness, happiness, luck and prosperity" said kita

"alright, do we still not know what the problem is?" I questioned

"no we don't" responded suga

"i've been waiting with Camp Jupiters oracle in case one comes but he's heard nothing" said hinata pouting at the fact "that's alright" I said getting questioning glances from the older ones "let's focus on working on our skills and learning from the romans" I said "so kuroo, hinata and kenma back to training" I said which earned a groan from kenma as he fell over onto his back while kuroo and hinata got very excited "oikawa, who do you think should train hinata and kenma?" I asked looking at him as he thought

"I say that kita should train kenma while suga-chan trains hinata, also tobio-chan was in training before we left so i'll continue his training" he said earning a nod from kageyama as everyone got ready to train and learn.

Once everyone was ready we left the first cohort to find a roman who wasn't sleeping and we found a short boy with light colored hair that he had it styled similar to the plumage of a bird maybe, he had wide golden eyes similar to that of a seagull which is another weird instance with eyes at camp Jupiter but whatever, he got along with hinata very well and started a rivalry with kageyama and oikawa he said his name was Hoshiumi Korai and he is a son of Victoria roman goddess of Victory and very similar to the greek goddess Nike so it makes sense that those three would be rivals. 

He soon left to find some people to help teach us how they fight as we could be here for a while. He came back with Yaku Morisuke a son of Salus roman goddess of Preservation, physical health and sometimes security and safety, Ennoshita a son of Jupiter roman version of Zeus, Futakuchi a son of Momus who is the roman god of mockery and satire and then a much older man named Tenma Udai a son of Minerva goddess of handicrafts, the professions, the arts and later war, Yaku chose to work with yams which I think was a good fit while Ennoshita went to train and learn with kita leaving Tenma to work with suga while hoshiumi went to join the two nike's and iwaizumi and Futakuchi to be with kuroo and I which didn't sound too bad as Futakuchi and I hit it off and we irritated kuroo which made training him way more fun, I learned that Futakuchi has a boyfriend named Aone who is a son Harpocrates god of silence and they communicate through sign language as his boyfriend is a selective mute which is pretty cool, he also has two cute tortoise cats their names are takoyaki and sushi and his boyfriend brought them over during our training break and they we're so cute and adorable and just seeing them made my entire life better though kuroo stayed away from them since apparently he dislikes cats which makes no sense but whatever.


Bit of a filler chapter but I don't know where i'm gonna go with this story so while I decide that they're just gonna be stuck at Camp Jupier

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