The Oracle

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When we arrived at apollo's shrine we saw a boy eating some tekkadon on the floor as he was writing down something on a piece of paper "himekawa" said daishou-chan catching the boys attention "ah praetor!" he exclaimed before looking at us and smiling 

"you must be the greek half-bloods" he said which I nodded to "here" he said handing me a piece of paper "I wrote down the prophecy for you" he said smiling at me 

"himekawa, why don't you introduce yourself to them" said daishou-chan 

"oh right! I am himekawa Aoi son of phoebes or as you know him apollo, i'm also the oracle and in the first cohort" he said smiling at us shyly 

"oh wow way to show us up" yahaba-chan said jokingly making himekawa-chan let out a little laugh before smiling at him a bit wider "what's a cohort?" asked tobio-chan 

"oh I guess we forgot to explain that, there are 5 cohorts and they are ranked by status, the first cohort is called the pride of camp jupiter and the people with the best recommendation letters are there and then it goes down from there" said komori-chan 

"oh, what cohorts are you two in?" questioned suga 

yahaba's in the second cohort while i'm in the fifth cohort" said komori with a small smile on 

"oh cool!" hinata said "don't you think so ken??" he asked kenma who just gave him a weak smile and nodded "praetor!" someone yelled catching daishou's attention as he turned around before smiling at a boy "your a praetor too, hirugami" he said rolling his eyes at the boy 

"yeah but it gets your attention better" he said smiling at him before looking at us "we found one of your guys but just to make sure please come with me" he said before walking off which kuroo quickly took the lead in following hirugami-chan though kenma and hinata stayed behind because kenma was too tired speaking of which "iwa-channnn~" I sang walking over to him which he just picked me up again but bridal style this time and I unrolled the prophecy to look through it with iwa-chan though he seemed less interested in it, he's probably worried about how I feel about the whole quest thing being brought up.

The Great Prophecy:

Children of Greek and Roman origin shall join together,

They shall fight together through blood and tears,

The pink rose will turn crimson,

The owl will fail to save them all

"What does the prophecy say?" questioned suga looking at us curiously though before either of us could reply he spoke again "oh gods it's bad isn't it" he said obviously worried 

"uhm yeah" said iwa-chan causing everyone but kuroo who was far gone to stop and look at us "what's it say?" questioned kita with a stoic face 

"uh, it reads children of greek and roman origin shall join together, they shall fight together through blood and tears, the pink rose will turn crimson, the owl will fail to save them all" I said looking at everyone grimmely 

"oh gods.." said suga-chan in shock 

"I know it'll be hard but don't dwell on it too much, cmon your friend has probably already reached the gates" said daishou quickly ushering us on but I knew all everyone could think about as we walked was our prophecy and how we could all end up dead, gods what a grim outcome. 

We soon got close to the gates and started running as we heard screaming and when we could see them we saw kuroo holding yamaguchi as he screamed and kicked kuroo to let him go "kuroo what's going on?!" I rushed over to them 

"oikawa! Yamaguchi wants to go back out there and search for tsukki" kuroo said trying to hold onto yamaguchi "I HAVE TO" screamed yamaguchi as he struggled more against kuroo as he started crying "I CAN'T LEAVE HIM OUT THERE, HOW COULD YOU ALL LEAVE HIM ALONE" he screamed turning his anger towards us as he screamed and yelled though those quickly turned into sobs as he stopped struggling and melted to the ground crying "don't worry yamaguchi, they will find him you don't have to worry he'll be back" said kuoo soothing yamaguchi though he was quickly and quietly pulled away by me as I replaced his spot so he could be informed of the prophecy, when they left I held yamaguchi on the floor as he sobbed his eyes out whispering things like 'I can't lose him' 'I love him' and some incoherent words that he tried to get out as he sobbed.

Tsukishima's Pov:

As I ran I yelled for yamaguchi to stay calm and that i'd get him away from them as I was quickly gaining on them but they just fastened their pace, apparently they're very fast and it seems that they we're expecting us as I had to watch out for boobytraps while chasing after yams which caused me to slow down more than i'd like, god damn it stupid kobold why did they have to show up now after we were perfectly fine throughout our journey gods this is so infuriating was my last thought as I noticed i'd missed one of their traps and fell down a hole. 

After waking up I noticed it was dark and cold and when I looked up it seemed that the hole I fell into was covered meaning that I wouldn't be able to get out so I sat down and waited for someone to come around, I couldn't hear yamaguchi's screams meaning that he was long gone, it could've been days or hours since he's been taken I couldn't know i'm in a hole. 

This is really boring, I fell asleep again so I'm gaining back some sleep but I wish someone would come by because holes fu- there was a noise from above I thought stopping my thoughts and listening to the sound and then I heard a whisper "do you really think we can find the other boy?" questioned someone 

"not really, it's been what? A day since his friends have seen him" said another voice 

"oh c'mon kuguri I was hoping for some encouragement" said the voice 

"sorry shiba but i'm just telling you what I think since you wanted to know" said the kuguri "hello?" I said curiously which earned me a scream and a loud crash "oww, shiba why'd you jump on me" said the kuguri guy 

"sorry but where'd the voice come from??" 

"I think i'm in the floor" I said 

"oh -uh okay" said the shiba guy before i'm guessing he blew a horn or whistle thing which alerted some people to us as a new voice came a few minutes later "shibayama, you called?" said the voice 

"yup! We found the missing gre- wait you're a Greek demi-god right?" he asked 

"were you expecting to find a different missing person?" I asked sarcastically but before I could hear a reply light appeared from the ceiling "kyou! Don't just lift it up, we should wait for aran!" said the third voice "he won't listen" said the second voice as the light got brighter before the traps top was completely taken off and pushed to the side "there." said a muscular guy with short blonde cropped hair with two dark brown stripes on the side, next to him was a boy with fluffy brown hair who was scolding him for lifting up the top of my trap, next to them was a short boy with black hair and next to him holding his waist was a boy with wildly spiky hair which was worse than kuroo's "welp we found him lets go" said the spiky haired boy 

"uh right" said the black haired boy and they led the way back to camp jupiter with the two leading, me in the middle and then the other two in the back "so uh what's your name" asked the black haired boy "tsukishima, i'm a son of athena" I said 

"cool! I'm shibayama and i'm a son of minerva she is the goddess of handicrafts, the professions, the arts, and war the and this is kuguri he's a son of miseria the goddess of misery, anxiety, grief, depression, and misfortune" said shibayama smiling at me as I gave a raised eyebrow "the two behind you are yahaba and kyoutani, kyoutani's the one who lifted up the top of your trap he's a son of potestas god of power and yahaba is a son of venus which is aphrodite's roman form" said shibayama finishing with the introductions which quickly made it go into an almost silent walk while i'm guessing the couple behind me kept bickering, they remind me of iwaizumi and oikawa. 


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