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It's been many weeks since we've left camp honestly I don't know how long it's been but that doesn't really matter what matters is that I believe were close to reaching rome it's taken some time and honestly having oikawa and kageyama fighting 4 times everyday is annoying though luckily kita, iwaizumi and sugawara are there to calm them down before it really starts getting on everybody's nerves, we finally reached the tunnel to rome which is really exciting we're finally going to be able to put our quest into motion though I do hope the romans have more on the prophecy so we don't have to go all the way back to camp just to find out more "hey tsukki" said yams looking up at me

"Yeah yams?" I asked looking down at him confused as to when he got there because he'd been with kita or kenma for most of the day "which way are we supposed to go?" he asked looking ahead as I realized i'd stopped in front of a fork in the tunnel "oh" I said quickly taking out the map from my backpack and scanning it trying to find where we are "here we are" yama said pointing to the location which would be great if the map didn't have a tear right there which just made me sighed, I knew this would happen but whatever it's my fault for not asking chiron about why the map he gave me was ripped but whatever can't complain about it right now "alright let's go right" I said leading them
"We're going right because it also starts with an r, right?" questioned kuroo smirking at me as I looked at him slightly startled as he just kinda materialized next to me "no kuroo, it's because I memorized some entries from percy jackson and he mentioned he went right a lot during his time in rome" I said rolling my eyes at his surprised face

"You actually memorized small details like that??" he asked shocked

"Yes I find it quite easy actually" I said grinning to myself at his obviously stunned face "what else do you know??" he asked, smiling at me as I answered with some of the random facts that came to mind and he started talking about all the stuff he knew, apparently he was actually an honor's kid before he came to camp half-blood which is pretty damn impressive for a child who isn't one of my siblings.

 As we turned down through the tunnel I noticed iwaizumi tense up slightly before walking over to me which confused me as he looked at me and then at his shoe's which was a bit confusing until I heard him start walking a bit louder, not too loud but just loud enough for me to get the message, I called oikawa over and he walked over curious as I whispered something to him while iwaizumi motioned everyone closer, nothing happened for a while as I got everyone ready as silently as I could, I made yams and hinata in the stay close to kageyama as his competitiveness would keep him safe while iwaizumi and I lead the way with kuroo and oikawa on either side of us and kita, kenma and suga held up the back as we silently prepared for our enemies, your probably wondering what iwaizumi said well he sensed a monster appear and then disappear which means that there's probably a kobold around which wouldn't be too frightening as they're just tricksters on their own but he said he felt the presence of multiple meaning they're probably going to be dangerous and try and pull dangerous tricks on us like boobytrapping the floor to open up and kill us or have flying axes ready to kill us which would sound crazy if that hadn't happened to many campers in the pa- a scream interrupted my thoughts as I quickly whirled around I saw yams hanging from the ceiling as many kobold held him and quickly ran off "shit" I muttered before running after him as the others yelled at me to come back but I didn't I needed to get yams, if I couldn't save him I don't think I would be able to finish this quest. 

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