Apprentices are really annoying

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Kuroo's pov

Last week we set out on our adventure, we weren't able to get the pegasi which was quite annoying so we had to walk of course we had no idea where we we're going as throughout the day nadia was getting little hints on it and all we knew was that we 9 were to leave camp and head east to the roman's so most likely we will be teaming up with some roman demigods, the last time a group of greek and roman demigods teamed up was when the famous son of poseidon percy jackson was around but he's long passed as it's been many years since his time but enough about him I've been quite worried about yamaguchi he's seemed to have been stressed ever since we left and hasn't left tsukki's side which kenma says is 'making me jealous' ha like that co- why is tsukki wrapping his arm around yamaguchi's side-?

Back to tsukishima's pov

Yams has been pretty scared since we left so I've been comforting him and telling him it would be okay but that doesn't seem to be working so I decided to hold him close as we walked and that seemed to calm him down which I should've known because yams is more needed of touch to calm down. While we've been walking kageyama and oikawa have been bickering non-stop which I've had enough of and I think it's making yams uncomfortable so I stopped and turned around walking over to the two and slightly shouting "can you shut up you've been bickering since we left camp" which made them both glare at me before both shouting in unison 

"SHUT UP THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU" upon hearing the other say that they started arguing undoubtedly pissing off iwaizumi and I so I hit them both and dragged oikawa to the front of the group while kageyama stayed at the back. 

When night came we set up camp and everyone else beside myself went to sleep as tonight was my night to watch camp and make sure no monster's came for us as they probably would with nine demi-gods in one spot but scarily enough no monster's have been seen the past night's so it would probably be same tonight but I'll still be alert. 

It's been an hour when I heard someone waking up turning around I see that kuroo has woken up which is quite strange as he's a deep sleeper, as he got up I had gone back to watching are surroundings but was caught off guard when I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist "kuroo?" I said looking at him with a confused expression as my heart raced 

"mm" was all he said as he put his head on my shoulder before lifting me up and sitting down setting me on his lap and I felt like my face was on fire as he stared at me before he laid his head on my chest "kuroo I need to pay attention to are surroundings and you should go back to sleep" I said trying to get out of his grip but he didn't let go and just held onto me tighter, it can be quite annoying when your apprentice is stronger than you. 

After struggling to get out of his grip for a few minutes I gave up and tried to concentrate on our surroundings but key word 'tried', I honestly couldn't focus on anything while sitting on kuroo's lap. "Tsukki" said kuroo catching my attention as I looked slightly up at him I said 

"what" in an annoyed tone hoping that would make him let go of me.....I guess I haven't completely given up "aw don't be like that tsukki" he said dragging out my nickname making me sigh "k-" I tried to say but he flipped me around so that I was facing him "tsukki" he said getting very close to my face "kuroo" I said looking to the side to avoid eye contact 

"look at me" he said grabbing my chin lightly but firmly so that I couldn't look away and brought my face to look at his, we stared at each other for a few minutes before I felt kuroo put his hands on my thighs dangerously close to my butt "kuroo I need to focus on watching over the camp" I said sternly glaring at him but he just stared at me a sly grin forming on his lips "what are y-" I said but was cut off guard by kuroo kissing me, his lips were chapped and I could feel scars on them I thought kissing back.

Time skip to the morning

Yamaguchi's pov

Ever since everyone's woken up tsukki has been ignoring kuroo like he's mad at him for something, I wonder what kuroo did "cmon tsukki stop ignoring me" said kuroo for about the 30th time since we started walking "WILL YOU SHUT UP" yelled iwaizumi clearly annoyed at kuroo "sorry" kuroo said sheepishly "oh calm down iwa-chan~" said oikawa bounding over to iwaizumi which earned a scoff from iwaizumi as he wrapped his arm around oikawa's waist, honestly you'd think they were dating but they aren't actually it's no secret that the two liked eachother though oikawa can be dense when it comes to his crush liking him back so he doesn't really notice any of iwaizumi's hints it once annoyed kageyama so much he punched oikawa, I chuckled at the memory of the two's fight though they weren't the only clueless couple there was also kageyama and sugawara honestly those two dance around eachother but honestly it isn't a surprise for kageyama practically all of nike's kids are like that but then again I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise for oikawa as well but whatever back to topic honestly sugawara isn't that dense when it comes to love or shouldn't be but I guess life always has surprised for you "yamaguchi are you okay you've been spaced out for a while" asked kita taking me out of my thoughts "ah yes I'm fine kita just thinking of the two clueless couples we have" I said happily "you mean 3?" he said before going back to what he was doing before but honestly I guess he was right tsukki and kuroo are as clueless as Iwaizumi and oikawa.......though I wish tsukki would look at me the way he looks at kuroo "yams are you okay?" I heard tsukki say, I looked up and saw him looking at me worriedly....worried for his friend "oh yes I'm fine tsukki!" I said smiling at him "hm" he said and went back to talking with sugawara.

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