Our Quest

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"Tsukki why did akaashi walk away from me yesterday????" asked kuroo for the 50th time today "akaashi can get quite annoyed with bokuto and yesterday was one of those days and he didn't want to hear about him" I said finally giving up on staying quiet 

"so akaashi has to deal with him a lot?" asked kuroo making me sigh as he was too curious about everything "yes, tranquilitas cabin was assigned to take care of bokuto as he is one of the kids in the Kratos cabin and as counselor of the tranquilitas cabin it is akaashi's job more than the other's " I said putting a finger to kuroo's lips when he tried to talk giving him a glare before walking in the direction of the big house. 

As I arrived in the big house I saw chiron, nadia our oracle and Mr. D "you asked to see me?" I said in a cautious tone, chiron walked closer to me saying in a cheerful tone "yes we did and no need to be cautious tsukishima" when he finished I just nodded 

"tsukishima I had a vision of you..." said nadia looking uneasy making me a bit nervous 

"about?" I asked staring directly at her 

"well it showed you leaving camp with kuroo, kenma, hinata, yamaguchi, iwaizumi, sugawara, kageyama, oikawa and kita" she said looking a bit out of breath from saying all there names but that wasn't what was bothering me what was bothering me was that I.....I was leaving camp I haven't left camp in....well ever "I know you haven't left camp before but iwaizumi, kageyama, oikawa have and kenma, kuroo and hinata have lived out there so you shouldn't worry" chiron said trying to make me feel better as I bet my face showed a lot of emotion's "mhm" I said realizing and calming down on the outside "you should get going and pack also tell the other's" Mr. D said bubbling up a question "why aren't the other's here?" I asked looking at nadia making her look uneasy "well uhm the vision showed you leading them out of camp and after that I heard a battle scene of you yelling them orders" she said a bit quietly, I just nodded and left in a bit of a daze I mean I the person who's never left camp before and grew up in the camp was going to lead a group out of camp and on a mission.....well might as well get the other's and explain what I was told I thought walking to the cabin area. 

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