Chapter 2. Change Of Plans

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The garage door slowly opened and sunlight poured in lighting up the garage. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the bright outdoors I saw the street empier then it's ever been. There were no cars parked in driveways, none of our neighbors walking their dogs, it was just a empty barren street.
"Ok baby we're off to a great start, your doing amazing. Anyway, we're on to the next stage of the plan. I have a storage unit full of weapons for doomsday situations, we have to make our way there and get them." I explained
"Since when do we have a storage unit? I don't remember ever paying for one." Heather questioned.
"We dont pay for it. Tyler and Tiffany do. It's their storage unit but they let me use half of it." I explained
"I miss them. We should go see if they need help surviving after we get the stuff." Heather said.
"We will honey." I replied.
I grabbed the shifter of the truck and put it in first gear. I slowly let out on the clutch and we were off. We pulled out of the garage and got onto the main road. We were making our way down the road when I came to stop in the middle of the road.
"What's wrong babe?" Heather questioned.
"We might need to take the long way around. I can see a few people up the road by the intersection and it looks like they're enjoying their human sandwitch."
"Do whatever you think is best. I trust you." Heather said
I grabbed the shifter and threw it in reverse and without thinking dumped the clutch, we flew backwards and I yanked the steering wheel to the left. Just as the truck was about to complete a full 180 i shoved the shifter into 3rd and we continued to spin until we did a full 180, the engine in that little 1984 Dodge rampage sitting at 4000 RPM during the entire manuver. We continued on down the road in the opposite direction until we reached 11th street, where I turned and a big building came into view with "SELF STORAGE" written on it in big letters.
"Is this the place?" Heather asked
"Yes it is, my stuff is in unit number 64"
We reached the storage unit and I opened it and inside on my side sat baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire, machetes, pistols, rifles, shotguns, and any oter type of weapon imaginable.
I quickly grabbed the bats and machetes along with 4 pistols, 2 rifles and 2 shotguns and put them in the bed of the truck.
"Do you see anything in here you'd like to bring honey?" I asked
"I do actually" Heather went towards the back of the unit and reemerged from the darkness with a javelin. "Ok, im ready to go" she said through giggles
We hopped back in the truck and started making our way towards Tyler and Tiffany's house. I looked over and saw Heather moving around alot and looking very nervous, "Baby what's wrong"
"I'm worried that we'll get there and find that they are'nt ok." She said in a shakey voice
"Honey, I've known Tyler my entire life, he's a doomsday prepper like me and he'll make sure they are fine" I tried my best to comfort her "Look thats their house right there at the end of the road" I said pointing to a big 2 story house. Just as I was saying it I saw Tyler walk out into his front yard. We pulled into the driveway. We get out of the truck and then Tiffany came running out to come see us.
"What's going on brother?" Tyler said to me as he shook my hand
"We were coming to see how you guys were holding up through all this shit" I replied
"We're doing about as good as someone can do, I saw the news and boarded up all the windows and loaded my truck with all my survival shit just in case we had to leave." Tyler said
"Thats basically what Dylan did" Heather giggled as she pointed to me while saying it
"Yeah we're carrying out the zombie plan you and I made forever ago. You guys in?" I asked them
"hell yeah brother. I was actually about to get ready to swing on over to your place to see if you guys wanted to come with us." Tyler replied "Is the plan still the same since these are kind of like zombies but different?"
"I'd say for the most part it is but we should still go and revise and change it for this situation. What do you guys think?" I asked.
Everyone nodded in agreement, so we made our way into the house and Tyler lead us all down into his basement where he had all of his gear. Over in the corner he had a small desk with several notebooks all with titles on the cover of each one. I noticed one book was open and when we got closer I realized it was the exact same plan for this apocolypse I had written down at our house.
"You wanna do the honors bro?" Tyler asked.
"I sure can." I replied. "Ok so heres what we know about these things, we know they are agressive, they are hostile towards anybody they see, me and Heather seen a few of em' eating a corpse on our way here so we know they will eat people, and it must be very contagous that it spread everywhere over night." I continued. "We dont know how it spreads, it could be through bites, skin to skin contact, or air transmission, so we need to acount for every possibility. We need masks, specifically resperator masks."
"I thought about that before you guys even got here and I pulled out all the masks we have." Tiffany said as she put 6 masks on the table.
"OK awesome." I said as I made a checklist and checked off masks. I continued on, "we're also going to need gloves in the event it's skin to skin contact transmission, which I do have. i have 5 pair in mine and Heathers bags." I checked gloves off the list. "What else should we add to the list?"
"Toilet paper.... for obvious reasons." Heather added
"some rope." Tiffany said
"Trash bags to cover our stuff if it rains." Tyler added
I marked all of them down on the list and searched through everyones bags to see what needs to be added to the bags. "We need a roll of trash bags, and rope." I said to tiffany. "We also need to bring rolls of toilet paper out to the trucks."
Tyler went upstairs to grab everything off the list we made. He soon returned with his arms full and brought down extra stuff we didnt put on the list
"I got everything off the list along with batteries, a portable air compressor, and this crank powered radio." He said as he put everything on the floor by the bags.
"Now we just have to alter the plans a little bit right?" Heather asked.
"I think so." Tiffany said
"What do you think my guy?" Tyler chimed in
"I think we'll be alright with how it is. we just have to get to the old Cresson State Prison." I replied "Hope you guys are ready for quiet the journey its a 12 hour ride. It was only 4 when we lived in Pennsylvania but living in Georgia is nicer." I said through laughs.
"We're ready to roll now?" Heather asked.
"You ready to go?" Tyler asked Tiffany
"Yeah" She replied
"Alright lets get this party on the road." I stated
We all put our masks on and made our way to the door. As we approached the front door I got a bad feeling that one of the infected was outside. "Hold up. Heather, Tiffany, wait here. Alright brother, Lets go kick some ass." I explained
"Whats going on babe?" Heather questioned
"I have a feeling there's a few right outside the door." I replied as I pulled a machete out of the sleeve tied to my belt. "Lets do this shit."
I opened the door and saw my suspision was correct. In the yard was 3 of the infected. We ran down the stairs and charged full speed at them, I ran towards one with my machete out in front of me and drove into the zombie's chest. Tyler swung his baseball bat and cracked one right in the temple causing its head to explode. I pulled my machete out of the zombies chest and watched it fall backwards into the grass. Only one remained, we both swung at it, I sliced through its head as Tyler attacked from the back and swung the bat right into its ribs. We watched it collapse and started walking back to the house to get the girls when we heard a blood curdling growl from behind us. We both spun around and saw the one we just killed get back up. I went over to it and stabbed it in the chest, and was horrified when it used it's own 2 hands and pulled the machete out of its chest and dropped it on the ground. Tyler swung at it and hit it in the head and it collapsed. We stood there and stared at it in disbelief for a few seconds, and then I finally went and picked up my machete. As I was getting ready to walk back to the house I heard it making noises. I quickly ran back to it and drove the machete through its skull.
"Holy shit these fuckers are tough!" I Exclaimed. As I was saying it I realized I needed to go put the blade through the other one's head. "You can go get the girls now" I said through breaths as I stabbed the blade down into its skull. Tyler went back to the front door and opened it and informed the girls it was safe to come out now.
"Lets head out for real this time before we get any more friends." I said
"I agree" Heather replied
"Oh shit you got that sexy ass dodge rampage! I just noticed, I wasn't paying attention earlier." Tyler chipped in as he and Tiffany were walking towards his 1989 Mitsubishi Mighty Max.
"Hell yeah brother. When did you buy the Mighty Max? I thought everyone completly forgot they existed" I asked.
"I actually just bought it 2 days ago" Tyler replied
Before I could say anything else Heather chipped in, "I know your both car guys and love cars but we need to go before anymore of them show up!"
I laughed and responded "You heard her, lets hit the road."
I hopped in the driver seat and flipped a switch that closes off the muffler and redirects the exhaust out just before it and then turned the key. The truck roared to life extremely loud. I flipped the switch again and made it quiet before rolling down the window and shouting to Tyler, "Lets hear that Mighty Max!"
Tyler grinned and climbed into his truck and turned the key, and a loud rumble came from his exhaust. "Hollowed out cats, resonator delete and a flowmaster! Hows that for ya?" He asked through laughs.
"DAMN. That sounds sexy as fuck! Alright lets go for real now."
We backed out of his driveway and headed down the road making our way to the highway.

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