Chapter 12. The Ambush

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We stepped out of the trucks and walked to the front door, this time with guns. We learned from last time when we picked someone up and got ambushed. I knocked on the door and Heather's dad opened the door
"Dylan! How the hell are ya pal?" He said, reaching out to shake my hand.
"We're surviving but we don't have time to stay here, you need to pack your things and come with us, there's a ambush coming our way." I explained.
"FUCK, those zombie fuckers are coming?" He asked.
"Yes dad, we dont have much time." Heather said.
Nick chipped in, "You hear that?"
We all went silent trying to hear what nick was talking about. I finally heard it and it sounded like an entire army marching our way.
"FUCK." I shouted, "They're already coming. We won't make it out, we have to fight now."
Suddenly the ground started shaking, more violently then when there was 1 juggernaught.
"SHIT." Tyler shouted.
A whole army of zombies emerged out of the fog. All the different mutations we've encountered so far and others were in this wall of zombies approaching us along with 4 juggernauts. There were sprinters running at us, some screamers that were screaming to attract more zombies and a few bombers that explode when shot.
"SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT." I yelled, as I reached into Nick's truck and pulled out the rocket launcher and began firing rockets into the crowd.
We were all huddled behind the trucks shooting and reloading as fast as we could.
"Eat shit brother." Nick said to the juggernaught as he fired a rocket into its chest. The juggernaught collapsed and landed on some of the zombies killing them instantly.
I saw the juggernaught land on the other zombies and I leaned over to Nick, yelling over all the gunshots, "We need to take the juggernaughts out so they can fall on the others, it'll save us time and ammo."
"Copy that brother." He replied, as he loaded another rocket and fired it at a juggernaught. I fired one at the last juggernaught and they both went down, taking at least 100 zombies with them.
The zombies did not stop, they continued coming as we kept shooting. A screamer let out a ear piercing screech and more zombies soon emerged from the woods surrounding the house.
"TAKE OUT THE SCREAMERS!" Tyler shouted.
We all aimed towards the screamers and started firing slowly taking them down until there was no more screamers. We shifted our focus to the bombers next and fired at them, they exploded killing the zombies around them.
"Shit, I'm out of ammo." Heather said. I handed her my gun and reached into the truck pulling out a machete.
"Don't shoot me!" I shouted as I got up and started charging towards the zombies. I started swinging the machete slowly taking them out but I was severly out numbered. They slowly started surrounding me.
"This is the end of the trail for me. I had a hell of a run." I said to myself. I closed my eyes and stopped swinging, waiting for the zombies to get me. Suddenly a air horn went off and the zombies started leaving me to go to the horn.
"Come get a piece of me!" Nick shouted while blowing the air horn. All he had was a desert eagle but he managed to take them out with just the desert eagle.
We all watched as Nick took out a crowd of 50 or more with just a desert eagle.
He walked back to us, covered in blood. "Alright, lets roll."

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