Chapter 2

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It was 9pm and I was waiting on the corner of two adjoining streets where Bruce and I agreed on the night before. It was a really simple plan, we go in and out. It should not take us more than thirty minutes to get through it.

"Let's go," Bruce said from beside me, a black sports bag rested on his shoulder as he walked past me.

I looked at my watch and sighed in relief. Bruce was finally on time, and I didn't need to kill someone while waiting for him. We walked along the stone fence, the only lighting that lit our path was the few street lights scattered around and the night sky. We walked past the front gates where three heavily armed guards stood. The one in the middle looked quite young and new. He seemed quite nervous, it would be a shame if someone would hurt him. The other two held their guns proudly across their chests as if they were ready to go to war.

Bruce and I kept walking, the wind started to pick up almost making my hoodie fall. I adjusted my mask and tugged the hat back down into its spot. No one except boss man knew my identity and I planned on keeping it that way. We turned a sharp corner and continued along the wall. This would be the side of the museum. There was one small problem and that was how we would get over this massive wall and stay undetected.

We stopped midway down the street. I crossed my arms and faced Bruce.

"I'll throw you up," Bruce said flatly and crouched down. "Come on."

"What! No. Are you crazy? There ain't no wa-" Before I could finish a pair of hands grabbed my waist and then I was thrown into the air. For the few seconds I was in the air, it was as if my insides were doing summersaults and for a moment I felt like I was about to throw up. It was over when I grabbed onto the wall and sat on it. There was something reassuring about being on the cold wall as oppose to the air.

I peered over the wall to see Bruce's smug face and a look of him being so proud of himself. I wished I could get down there and wipe that smile off his face, but I didn't want to run the risk of falling off and smashing my head open on that concrete floor.

"How are you going to get up here?" I ask down to Bruce, raising an eyebrow.

"Watch," he states and takes a few steps back.

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought he would jump over this tall wall, but my logic says he will hit his beautiful face into it. Sometimes karma is a bit of a bitch. Bruce ran towards the wall and somehow he lept high enough to reach the top of the wall and climb over. My mouth dropped in awe. It made me wonder how someone could jump so high.

Bruce's eyes met mine for a brief second and he smirked. "What? Never seen a high jump athlete before?" He raised his eyebrow and leaned his head to the side.

All I could do was stare at him. If I jumped like that I'd be making out with the wall and end up with a bloody nose.

"Come on, we still have to get this job over and done with," Bruce said after a small while then jumped down and landed perfectly on his feet.

The man had perfect form as if he was a gymnast. I quickly slid off the wall and almost flew head first into the ground until Bruce caught me. His hands held my waist tightly, his muscles were well defined by what I could feel. I shook my head and took a step back. Wrong choice as I slammed my foot into the wall, but it didn't quite phase me.

We quickly hid behind a bush nearby and peeked towards the building. You would think for such a massive museum they would have security everywhere, but this side was completely abandoned. The bushes were misshaped and there were weeds growing every which way. From where we were, it seems there was no cameras anywhere nor any guards. Whoever owned this place was either very stupid or didn't care at all.

Slowly we moved to behind a tree in front of us then swiftly made our way to the side door. Now this was really stupid, they could have at least put a camera above this thing. This metal door was probably the only real security system they had, even though by my standards it didn't count.

I cursed under my breath as the door handle started to twist. Damn it. Someone was exiting the building but thankfully we were just behind the door so we could go by undetected. Judging by what Bruce told me the other day, the guards used this door as an exit when they finished their shift and every single one of them had a skeleton key. A smile crept to my face, and I was filled with glee. I felt like a child in a candy store, except I was an adult.

I pulled a rag out of my pocket and doused it with chloroform. I watched as the door slammed and a tall, lanky looking guard whose uniform seemed three sizes too big walk out. His head was down, faced to the floor. From the glimpse I could catch, he seemed quite young, probably only eighteen or so. If I had it my way, I would have ended the boys life with my knives but bossman made me promise to not murder anyone this mission.

I quickly sneaked up behind him and held the cloth to cover his mouth and nose. He struggled a little, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. It didn't take long for him to drop on the floor like a sack of potatoes, so I acted quickly and searched his pockets, taking out a set of keys and his ID. After we retrieved those, Bruce dragged the man behind a bush, and we made our way back to the door.

There were only three keys on this keychain which leads me to believe a lot of these locks use the same key for some unknown reason. I turn around to see Bruce still by the tree.

"What? Just gonna stand there? Hurry the hell up," I whisper in a harsh tone.

I wish to never be partnered with this fool ever again. 

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