Chapter 9

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We walked through crowds of people towards a group standing in a circle at the right left corner. Three men in suits and two women in big, beautiful gowns stood in conversation. The prince walked smoothly across the floor while I struggled almost tripping over my dress for probably the fiftieth time that evening. We managed to stand in a gap with the five people. One of the women stared at me as if I had just stepped on her dead pet's grave. If I didn't have to be on my best behaviour, I would have had a few choice words for her starting with her paper thin eyebrows that are barely there and maybe also her choice in dress colour that looks like piss and does not suit her at all.

"Your royal highnesses, esteemed aunts and uncles, I humbly request the honour of your presence as I introduce my beloved and esteemed future wife, Her Royal Highness, princess Layla of Sandshore," the prince said to the group, a big smile on his face, his eyes lit up like a dozen diamonds.

I almost choked on my drink as he spoke. Future wife is something I will never get used to, also maybe because we will never actually get married for real either. "I humbly extend my sincere greetings, and I am delighted to make your acquaintance," I said as quickly and politely as I could. I couldn't wait to end this polite talk. It wasn't in my nature.

"Pleasure to meet you, your highness. It is with great revenant and profound joy that I stand before you today, for fate has finally bestowed upon me the honour of finally meeting the illustrious daughter of the noble King and Queen of Sandshore. May I express my heartfelt admiration and extend my sincerest gratitude for this cherished opportunity to be graced by your presence," the red-haired man said.

I only curtseyed in response. These people like to talk but I just wanted to know who these people were and their names. Sir and ma'am were my go to when addressing these people.

"Pray tell, have you been informed of the recent developments pertaining to Prince Hans of Swansfair? It has come to my attention that an unfortunate fate awaits him in the heart of Swansfair. It is rumoured that due to his alleged involvement in the most heinous acts of regicide and violation against his own mother, he shall face a public beheading," a blond woman wearing a black and white dress said. Her hand rested on her chest as she spoke the final sentence, worry etched on her face. "It's such a shame really. He was such a handsome thing."

"Ah yes, my esteemed father did make mention of it on the previous eve. It is a tragic circumstance that he succumbed to the path of wickedness. The alignment of our thoughts was never harmonious, and I have refrained from engaging in conversation with him since our heated disagreement that transpired over two winters ago," Prince Elliot said, looking around the circle. He kept a strong facade, but I could see anger flash in his eyes. Whatever had gone on must have been really bad.

A black-haired man next to the woman in the black and white dress cleared his throat before he spoke. "Whispers have travelled across the kingdoms, carrying tidings of disarray. It is said that the Prince of Swansfair, bearer of the royal sacred name, finds himself enmeshed in an unfortunate tale. Rumour has it that he awaits the arrival of an offspring, conceived outside the sacred bonds of matrimony. What a terrible shame that taints the honour associated with his noble lineage."

I could only stand there and smile. There was nothing for me to say or add so I let everyone speak.

The woman in the piss coloured dress, smiled then said, "Dear family, it has come to pass that our beloved offspring shall enter into sacred bonds of matrimony this approaching Sunday. The chosen bride hails from a lineage adorned with lavish riche, adding to the magnificence of this joyous union."

I fought an eye roll. This lady was probably the aunt who likes to show her kids off, talk about how great they are only for everyone to discover they are just your average child.

She kept talking, it was as if she was the only one in the room at that very moment. "Our cherished daughter has received a coveted invitation to a leading college within our fair city. Furthermore, her heart has found solace in the embrace of a noble suitor, who, in a gesture of esteemed passion, shall accompany her on an extensive holiday spanning the vast corners of the globe for half a year. Forgive my remissness, for I neglected to mention their tender entwining commenced a few weeks prior."

"By the grace of the heavens, I extend my heartfelt best wishes to you. May I offer my sincerest wishes that your children embark on their forthcoming adventures with joyous hearts and faithful spirits," I said before anyone else could speak. I would hate to seem rude and not join in the conversation.

The red-haired man spoke up next, his blue eyes looked my way. "Most esteemed Princess of Sandshore, I humble enquire of your noble presence regarding the safe return of your revered father. Whispers reached my ears recently, relying on news of his valiant sojourn to lands plagued by conflict and destitution. Your father, a paragon of greatness, exemplifies the essence of nobility."

I was lucky to have Chevy and his master spying, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to know that the king had arrived back home yesterday.

"Indeed, with utmost delight, I convey my tidings that my esteemed father has returned unscathed and graced our ancestral grounds last night. His journey was filled with splendour and enchantment," I said

"That is wonderful to hear," the lady on the black and white dress said.

We spent the next hour going around speaking to the other guests. My head was pounding as if it just got smashed by a hammer. There was so much information to process, I just couldn't do it.

"Your majesty, Prince Elliot, I humbly request your pardon as I must momentarily withdraw to attend to personal matters," I say in almost a whisper, resting a hand on the prince's shoulder.

"Of course. Please, allow one of my guards to help you find your way," he said, holding my arm. "This way please."

We walked past the crowd of people, towards the entrance of the room.

"Bruce, I beseech your aid in guiding the esteemed Princess Layla of Sandshore to the appropriate facilities. Thank you, sir," the prince ordered, letting go of my arm as he faced me, bowing towards me.

I had walked down the corridor with Bruce walking next to me. If anything, I didn't know if this dude had the same name as the guy, I'm doing this mission with or if it was him but soon, I would find out.

We turned the corner before the guard spoke. "How's the mission going on your end, Sapphire?"

"Elliot is an asshole. He's a groping, two faced man who deserves nothing but death. How'd you get a job here?" I stared straight ahead as we walked.

"They were hiring. You wouldn't believe how easily they let people in at this place." Bruce said. After a small pause he continued, "You know, there's a fifth floor in this castle?"

"There is no fifth floor, Bruce." I held my dress up a little as we reached the stairs. "I studied each floor. The corridors end at the fourth."

"Sapphire, there is. There is a secret lift behind one of the large paintings on the fourth floor. The fifth floor only has two rooms," Bruce continued, ignoring everything I had just said.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused as we slowly walked up the stairs.

"There's a storage room full of artefacts and useless junk and there is a large office room." Bruce walked a step behind me.

"And how on earth do you know this kind of information?" I asked, the pain in my feet burning like a thousand flames.

"Because I had to assist the prince earlier. He had me keep watch in case someone saw him. I could have sworn I heard him talk about some kind of secret and how it will destroy the royal family of both Frostbourne and Sandshore if it came out," Bruce answered in a hushed whisper. "He seemed invested in those desk draws to be honest. It was as if he was trying to find something he lost.

"Something is going on here and we need to figure out what it is," I said finally with a sigh. This mission was going to be the death of me.

– –

We were on our way back to the ballroom when I saw the prince waiting just outside the room. My heart sank a little. I really hoped he wouldn't berate us for taking a little longer than expected. 

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