Chapter 7

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I really hated this dress. Who looked at a piece of cloth and thought 'let's make this body tight'. Don't get me started on how much I'm struggling to breathe right now. I really wanted to wear platform heels, but I couldn't since Alyona had said it was very 'royal like'. During the practices I had almost rolled my ankle a good fifty times.

There was really no use hating myself over this situation. I just had to face it head on. My knives and weapons were securely hidden under the dress. If there was one thing I was glad about, it was that I could keep my trusty throwing knives.

The place smelt disgusting, but it could be expected with a two-hundred-year-old building. Mould was starting to grow on the corners. There weren't that many windows so that would explain the terrible smell. I had spent the past few weeks studying about our royal family, especially the princess of Sandshore. I had to learn how to sit properly and use the several different pieces of cutlery. Who needed 3 different spoons, forks and such for different foods? One of each was more than enough.

I took a deep breathe in then started to walk over to where Chevy had been waiting for me. We had known each other for over six years. My father had introduced us to each other when we had a mission to find a golden gun at the mayor's house. Chevy knew all the tips and tricks to get inside including all the blind spots around the property. He was the best known spy of the underworld. No one compared to him, not even the paid government ones.

Chevy and I haven't spoken much about what brought us to bossman and this life in the underworld, but my father had touched on about a past that haunts him. I never wanted to pry on his private life, and I figured he would tell me if he wanted to. No one knew what he looked apart from the few blond locks that showed from under his hat and this blue eyes. He was slim and his arms were a little muscular.

I hated how much my heels echoed as I walked across the hallway and around the corner, facing Chevy. His mouth hung open and his eyes were wide. Heat flushed to my cheeks. If it wasn't for this mission, I wouldn't have exposed what I looked like to anyone I worked with, but this had to be the rare occasion. "Okay Chevy, you can stop gawking now. I can't seriously be that beautiful that you need to stare at me like I'm a supermodel." A sigh escaped my lips, and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry, uh, sorry." Chevys said, averting his gaze to the ground. "It's just that you are so beautiful. You... You uh, look exactly like the princess, ma'am."

I huffed and crossed my arms. "Ma'am makes me feel like I'm ninety years old. Don't call me that again." It wasn't like I was lying; I truly hated the word with a fiery passion. I picked up the dress and walked past Chevy.

"If you're going to act like the princess, you need to start speaking politely you know," Chevy said, opening the carriage door for me.

There were so many things I could have said to him at this moment, but I bite the majority of them back. "While I appreciate your concern, do your job. Thank you." Quickly, I stepped into the carriage and sat down.

As soon as he closed that door, I regret everything. I really wondered how the princess could sit in this dark as hell carriage without seeing anything that's going on inside. One would assume that the windows were tinted and not outright blackout. The only source of light came from the tiny lamp hanging from the ceiling and even then, I couldn't see a single thing in here. The seat was so hard I felt like I was sitting on concrete but even then, concrete would be more comfortable than this. Didn't the royal family hear about cushions and support? My wooden dining chair was more comfortable than this.

I tugged at my dress and sighed. Boredom had already set in. There was literally nothing to do in this carriage except probably sleep so that's what I decided to do.

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