Chapter 8

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Breathing was starting to become difficult, so I had to do something before he kills me. I could have used my throwing stars but I didn't want to blow my cover yet, so I opted for another option completely. My knee met with his nether regions, and he had let go almost immediately, stumbling back a little. While he had left himself wide open and vulnerable, I noticed his weapon on his belt. Quickly, I reached and unsheathed it. I could recognise it almost immediately. It was a cutlass sword. The handle was golden and cool to the touch. The blade was long, and it shone in the light.

I held the blade to the prince's neck, taking deep breaths in. "You dare lay hands on a noble woman. A guest in your humble abroad. Shame on you."

The prince was frozen to the spot, stunned. Neither of us said a word to each other, our eyes locked at each other's. Footsteps were heard in the distance, but I didn't budge. The steps didn't stop until they were beside us.

"Elliot Lockbell," the King said with a hint of anger. "What is the meaning of this?"

From the corner of my eye, I could see the king's fists clenched and his eyes furrowed together. He was furious.

"Father, I... I haven't done anything wrong. This wasn't my idea," the prince spit out, his chest rising and falling with every shaky breath he took.

The King of Frostbourne had grabbed his son's hair and yanked at it, making the prince take a few steps back. He grabbed his father's arms, pain seeping on his features. Due to the commotion a few of the soldiers who were previously training had come and stood near us.

One of the soldiers had stepped forward. "Your highness, I am Lieutenant colonel, Marvin." The man was a lot taller than I was, a majority of his facial features were hidden underneath his helmet, hair had enveloped their way around his arms. He was quite a burly looking man, not someone you'd want to pick a fight with.

"Marvin, allow me to express my utmost delight in making your esteemed acquaintance. I am Princess Layla of Sandshore," I said as politely as I could. It was a struggle for me to speak so formally but I had to do it.

"Would you like me to take that from your hands, your majesty?" Marvin had asked then bowed.

"Please. That would be amiable." I lowered the sword and held it out to Marvin.

My hair was surely messed up after the commotion from earlier. I looked towards the prince and his father.

"I defended you! All those times women have had allegations of you groping them. You have embarrassed me greatly." The king had tugged harder on the prince's hair, his voice raising with each sentence. It was quite rare to see a king so angry.

"Dad, please. I haven't done a single thing wrong. Ple– ow." The prince seemed to be in a great deal of pain. "Princess Layla, please, help me."

I crossed my arms across my chest, raising an eyebrow. "I am disinclined to offer assistance to individuals of such distasteful nature. Pardon my departure but I must attend to pressing matters that require my immediate attention." Quickly, I turned around and walked out before anyone could say anything further. The prince could fight his own battles, he didn't need me to vouch for his inappropriate behaviour.

On my way to get inside, I was met face to face with the Queen. A gentle smile invaded her features. "Allow me to offer my most sincere apologies for how my son treated you. I have a hair stylist in at the moment, please, let me show you to a room where you can stay. I'll have her come up and restyle your hair."

"Please, your highness, I couldn't trouble you like this. You have been very generous thus far," I said, walking alongside the queen.

"Nonsense." The queen headed towards the stairs. "Please, this way."

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