Chapter 10

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I walked closer to the prince, my heart beating hard against my rib cage. His eyebrows were furrowed together. He seemed troubled.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't come back, princess. Is everything okay?" he asked, holding his hand out towards me.

"Your highness, I assure you there is no cause for concern. I am perfectly well. As you are aware, these garments can prove quite vexing," I said, curtseying. I couldn't wait to get out of here.

"The dancing has started. Would you care to dance, princess?"

"It would be a pleasure to share a dance with you, my lord," I said, taking his hand.

We both walked into the room where classic music was softly playing in the background, people coupled up dancing. I wasn't big on dancing, but I had a role to play, and I had to nail it.

– –

The royal ball had only just come to an end. Only a handful of royals were left, bidding their goodbyes. I was standing by the window, looking out at the scenery. The stars sparkled in the sky like a million diamonds. Cars and carriages pulled up to the entrance to pick up their respective individuals.

Eventually it was just myself, the prince and both his parents. It was well past ten p.m. at this point, and I was sure the princess would need to leave by now.

"I extend my sincerest appreciation for your gracious hospitality. The time spent in your esteemed company has been delightful. However, as the hour grows late, I must now take my leave and commence my journey home." I smiled and looked at the royal family in front of me.

The prince smiled as well, bowing. "Your presence graces our gathering, and we express our deepest gratitude for your attendance. We trust that the festivities have been most enjoyable for you, and it is our wish to witness your radiance among us once more in the near future, princess. Safe travels."

We all walked out of the ballroom and down the hall towards the entry of the castle. Chevy had been waiting for me in the same spot he had dropped me off at. Before I walked to the carriage, I bid my final farewell to the royal family, thanking them for their time.

I turned around and started walking towards the carriage. Only a few steps into my journey back to the carriage, the prince said a little louder than usual, "Please, allow me princess." He walked before me, opening the carriage door for me.

Never had I ever had a man open a door for me. The best thing a man has done for me was trying to punch me. It was a nice change if I was being completely honest.

"Thank you, sir." I quickly climbed into the carriage and sat down on the hard seat. It wouldn't kill them to add some extra padding and cushions on these things. It really hurts the behind.

"I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive me for my prior actions, princess," he said as he slowly closed the door. I could hear murmurs and the prince saying something around the lines of 'please bring her home safely' but these walls were making it hard to distinguish words properly.

Pettiness crossed my mind. I could not forgive the prince but for now I'd let the result of his actions stew in his mind. The carriage jerked forward, and I knew at that moment we were already off. There was a pitstop we did have to make and that was to the prison at the old castle to talk to our princess. A part of me hoped that Chevy would drive more careful this time. Earlier he drove as if he was being chased by dozens of cops, sending me to rock left, right, back and forth. I was sure I hit the back of my head probably a hundred times too.

– –

I had probably nodded off somewhere during the ride back because the next thing I knew Chevy was calling my name, his warm hand on my upper arm, gently shaking me.

"I'm awake, I'm awake. Did we arrive?" I asked, rubbing my eyes as I sat up straight. I looked around a little and shook my head.

Chevy nodded. "We are. I gave you an extra five minutes of rest before I woke you up. It seems that the banquet has worn you out, Sapphire." He laughed, taking a few steps back.

Normally I'd punch his arm, but I decided to spare him this time. Today had been way too eventful. A lot busier than my usual assassin life would entail. Killing people didn't take much energy but acting as someone else and having to listen to the higher ups chatter, how great their kids are and how easily they spread rumours exhausted me. I had learnt a lot of things I probably would have preferred to go my whole life not knowing, how great the King of Houndford was in bed was one of them.

"Let's get this over and done with," I said to Chevy then walked past him.

I really didn't expect much from this interrogation, but it was better than nothing. Chevy followed way too close behind me, but I bit my lip and didn't say a word. The prison was dimly lit with the only lighting coming from the hundreds of lanterns that hung on either side. Word from bossman has it that we're going to be installing actual lights to this place so that was a starter to making this place look better or at least improve our visibility at night if anything.

This place could also probably use some fresh air, or an air freshener here and there cause it smelt like shit. I took a right turn around the corner and walked down the corridor, eventually coming face to face with Oakley. He looked exhausted.

"Good luck," Oakley said, crossing his arms. "She's a real handful that kid. The only way to shut her up was to give her a good threat."

"Oakley, we want her alive. Please keep her alive no matter what," I warned, raising an eyebrow.

"Ma'am, yes, ma'am." Oakley nodded and stepped aside. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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