Chapter 6

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Somewhere in the Ancient Ash forest:

A man in all black sat crouched down on a thick tree branch on a tree overlooking the main road between the forest. A black ski mask covered his face, only his blue eyes showed. He had been spying on the crowned princess of Sandshore for the past week and a half learning the ins and outs of the castle. He had overheard the princess talk to her mother, the queen, about riding in a carriage on her own to meet the prince. It was just a few days ago when they spoke, talking about how the driver of their carriage would be riding through this very forest. Ths supposed driver would be arriving at the castle in ten minutes but the man in all black knew the driver would most likely be early, so he had been waiting for over fifty minutes.

Many people had wondered who this man in black was, but no one could guess his real name. Many underworld leaders called upon him with generous payments to be their spy, but he was loyal to one man. That man being Cassian Snowhart, otherwise known as bossman to many. The man in blacks' identity was known as Chevy to everyone in the underworld. He had been in the business for over fifteen years and wouldn't change it for anything.

A large proportion of his job was him just waiting but Chevy didn't mind. It was a cool and windy evening. He heard the sound of horses approaching in the distance and a smile crept on his face. This was it. This was the moment he had waited for. He only had one chance, so he has to be successful.

He squinted, seeing the horse drawn carriage come closer and closer. There was only one driver so this should be easy. Chevy doused a cloth in chloroform and put it in his back pocket. The carriage got closer and closer until it was directly under the man.

Chevy jumped off of the branch and landed cleanly behind the carriage driver. The cloth was held over the carriage drivers' mouth, and he fell limp almost immediately. Chevvy grabbed the reins and stopped the carriage. He had already dug a deep hole at the roots of a large eastern redcedar. The wind had blown stronger but that didn't deter the man as he stripped the man from his clothes then dragged the limp body over to the hole in the soil. He quickly grabbed the shovel behind the tree and covered the body with the soil, patting it down back into its position.

He had quickly changed into the man's clothing, quickly discarding his previous assassin clothing into his satchel, putting it into the boot of the carriage. A bandana tied around his face, covering his nose and mouth, his stunning blue eyes visible to the naked eye.

An owl hooted in the distance and Chevy had long set off to the castle to pick up the Princess of Sandshore. The moon started to rise in the distance, the sky turning a purple, orange hue. It wasn't long till he reached the gates of the huge castle. It was perched on the highest hill of Sandshore. Large trees from the forest surrounded its white structure. It could have easily had over a hundred bedrooms. The amount of cleaning that had to have been done must have been a nightmare.

Chevy stopped the carriage in front of the castle doors where several people stood. His heart was beating against his rib cages, about to burst. A man in a suit walked up to the carriage and opened the door. A beautiful young woman with long curly blonde hair took a step forward and turned around, facing the other people. Her long maroon dress swayed as she moved, just barely kissing the pebble like floor. She really was as gorgeous as everyone in the town had said. Her green eyes reminded Chevy of emeralds on a stunning silver ring. Her heart shaped face complimented the way her hair fell.

The princess had wished farewell to her parents and staff before she turned around and made her way over to the man. "Thank you for coming to pick me up sir. I appreciate it," she said in a soft, well-spoken tone, a small smile crept on her face.

Chevy gave a small nod and a half bow. "My lady, it is no trouble at all."

The princess of Sandshore swiftly got into the carriage, the man in the black suit closing the door behind her. Chevy gave one last glance towards the royal family then pulled on the reins a little. The carriage jerked forwards and they were on the way to their next destination. He knew exactly what he was doing. Jade and himself had already planned what will happen next.

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