Chapter 3

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The corridor seemed endless. I could barely see two feet in front of me as we walked through this hallway. These lights surely would burn out any second now and no one bothers to replace them. Talk about lazy. I'm sure they make more than enough money to afford repairs here. It felt like we were in here for hours when in fact it had only been a couple minutes. The control room should be somewhere along the right if Bruce's intel was correct.

Bruce's heavy steps on the tile floor behind me was starting to get on my nerves. It would be a lovely way to die if I hadn't sworn to Bossman I wouldn't kill anyone.

"Can you stop taking such heavy steps? You aren't an elephant. We are trying not to get caught you gorilla ass," I finally snapped, turning on my heels to face Bruce. He looked absolutely petrified.

I'd like to think I'm nice. Scary nice to be exact. People seemed to piss their pants when I talk a lot of the time as Sapphire Bullseye. Jade was just your average girl next door, it was too bad I took over.

After what felt like a hundred billion years, we finally reached the control room. According to Bruce's earlier instructions, there would be usually one guard here. My breath turned white from how cold it was in here. Whoever had put the air conditioning this cold, needs to see a doctor pronto. There is no way any human would be able to handle these kinds of temperatures.

I took a deep breathe in and slowly turned the doorhandle. If there was one thing that we had on our side, it was the fact that the door did not make a noise when it opened. The man inside had his eyes glued to the monitors in front of him. He has no idea that I was right behind him.

There was a full view of the museum. Bruce was right. I slowly pulled out a white cloth filled with chloroform and covered the mans nose and mouth. He squirmed about then slowly but surely slumped into the chair.

"It's done Bruce. Do your thing," I said, dragging the man to the corner of the room. I tied his hands and feet together. So far, this mission was a success, but things could easily derail at any moment.

Bruce inserted a disk into the monitor and did his thing, messing with the cameras so they ran a thirty second loop repeatedly. From what father tells me, Bruce is good with computers. Hacking and coding is in his blood apparently. He's been doing this work for well over fifteen years. I trusted my dads judgement.

"Let's go," Bruce said and swung around in the chair, standing up.

With the cameras on a loop, it was safe for us to continue our journey throughout this place. I had the blueprint memorised so I already knew where this decorated egg was. It didn't make getting there any easier because this place was like a maze. Fifty billion different ways and one wrong turn and you'd get lost.

I walked off before Bruce, taking long strides down the corridors. Two rights, one left, straight across three corridors, another two rights and finally a left to get to the grand room where our beautiful egg would be. It wasn't that difficult but I was sure there would be some sort of security devices around them and only Bruce could tell me about it.

The room was a lot bigger than I thought it was. We couldn't afford to mess up this mission nor anything in this place. I scanned the room, our egg was sitting on a fluffy red cushion on a pedestal, encased in a clear glass. It looked exactly as boss described it. As I looked around, my eyes almost popped out of my head. Gold, gold and more gold. Every statue and artifact was gold. When Bruce told me this section of the museum was for the rich I did not think he was telling the truth. This place probably cost billions of dollars just by the looks of it.

My eyes landed on the paintings on the walls. There was one that I recognised from my time watching those antique shows on the television. A piece by the legendary artist himself, Rodriquez Olivera. This piece, 'The Limestone', was said to be worth four point five billion dollars and yet there it laid on the very walls of this museum. It was rumoured that this piece was inspired by our royal family and their wealth. It made my stomach churn a little thinking about how millionaires and billionaires waste their money on pieces that probably cost hundreds or thousands of dollars instead of donating to worthy causes. I would never understand.

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