Chapter 4

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It was a beautiful sunny day. One that cooled the air on a winter's day. Bruce and I walked along Redcross Street. It was the main street of Sandshore where endless lines of shops lay. The store we had to go to was coming up. It was a great hideout that boss man disguised. It looked like a regular shop from the outside but for certain people, they got the VIP experience, a special coupon for the ultimate VIP experience.

Almost every store had dresses on display. Red ones, blue ones, green ones. Skin-tight ones, flowy dresses, A-line dresses, the lot. All in which I hated. I never was a fan of dresses. I preferred the odd hoodie and pants combo. It was quite rare that I would stop foot in stores as I usually just wear the same kind of clothes day in and day out.

We eventually reached an antique store. Various relics were on display through the front window, each kept in good condition. Tea sets, desks, boxes all invaded the exhibit. Bruce and I walked into the shop, a bell rang above us. I always hated that bell. Honestly, makes me want to rip it off the wall each time.

A man who sported gelled back black hair looked up from the counter. A smile invaded his features. "Good to see you again Jade."

"Please just call me Sapphire, Ian." I smiled and slid over a small piece of paper. "I haven't seen you in forever. What have you been up to?"

"Oh, you know, just the usual. Front of house and missions," Ian replied. "Come straight through. You should already know the way, Sapphire." He winked and sat back down on the chair behind him.

He was right. I practically grew up with this place. I watched it get built, get put together and I helped with the final touches. I remember when I was twelve, helping dad with the blueprints, setting up every piece in a way that would be eye catching. I even helped plan the location of our secret office under the ground.

We walked past the front counter and into the wide space. It was filled with artefacts. Across from us was a solid black door and that was where we needed to go. It was always locked but I had a key.

I fished the key out of my pocked and opened the door with it. "Come on, Bruce."

Bruce was unusually quiet, but I took it as him being nervous to face boss man again. We walked down the stairs and into a dimly lit room. The floor was made of black wood, the walls painted in the same shade of the ground. A woman with red hair sat behind a grey desk. Her glasses sat perfectly on her face. I cleared my throat a little and smiled.

The woman looked up from her stack of papers. Her blue eyes almost burn holes through us. "Jade, lovely to see you. You both can walk right through."

I smiled and made my way for the white door. A bald man with large muscular arms stood beside the door. Tattoos invaded his arms. He wore a black shirt and trousers with a gun strapped to his side. Nigel. I remember when Bossman had first hired him. He never changed one bit. Barely said two words at a time as well.

I knocked on the door and entered. Bruce followed close behind.

Bossman looked up from his book and set it down beside him. "Bruce. Sapphire. Good to see you both." He stared at me then at Bruce, an eyebrow raised. "Were you both successful?"

"Very successful, sir," Bruce said, standing straight beside me.

"Well?" Bossman tapped the wooden desk with his index finger.

Bruce opened his backpack and carefully took the Faberge egg out. Slowly, he handed it to bossman. The small details of the egg shined in the dim light.

"She's a beauty," Bossman marvelled, looking at it. "Any deaths this mission?" Bossman stopped looking at the decorated egg, now looking at us.

"None, dad. We were on our best behaviour!" I said with a massive smile.

"Good. Very good," dad said. He smiled briefly and nodded.

I couldn't help but feel proud but Bruce hadn't moved an inch from his spot beside me except he was muttering to himself, looking between myself and dad.

"Dad? Dad?! Are you—" Bruce trailed off; his eyes went side.

"You heard right. He is my father, Bruce." I looked at him then my father.

Not everyone knew I was his daughter, and it was good enough when I had to go on missions.

Dad cleared his throat and stared at us both once again. "Now, back to business. I know it is still soon for the next mission, but I do have one for you both. It is an important one and it may take you months to complete."

"What?!" I blurted out.

"I want you to kill the crowned prince of Frostbourne," Bossman said, crossing his arms. "And to do that, you need to kidnap the princess of sandshore and pretend to be her, Jade."

"Excuse me?!" I half yelled out, resting my hands on the edge of the desk, leaning down to look at bossman in the eyes. "You cannot be serious! There is no way this will work!"

"It will. You look exactly like the crowned princess. It will all fall into place. You will need the clothes to fit in. How you two kidnap the princess will be up to you but ensure you keep her in our underground prison." Dad sat back on his black leather seat.

My heart dropped. This was going to be a really difficult job. "Aren't you forgetting something? I hate wearing dresses! This won't work. Plus, I don't know anyone who can make me dresses."

"Luckily for you, I know plenty. Pick one." He reached under the desk and threw a folder on the desk in front of me. "You are the only female I have on my team, and you cannot expect me to force Bruce here in drag, can you? We'd be busted."

I held back a laugh at the though of Bruce dresses as a woman and flicked through the folder. I really didn't know what I am meant to look out for since nothing caught my eye. "I need someone who can make me a dress with pockets but the pockets can't be shown to the naked eye. It needs to make my body look good, too."

Bossman paused for a moment. "Well that leaves one woman. Artisan and seamster, Alyona Fedora. An acquaintance of mine for over ten years. Best of the best. Four year runner of the gala, winner of fifteen awards."

"Sounds promising," I said, closing the folder, sliding it back across the table to Bossman.

"Ever heard of Prismacloth? The satan silk that refracts light?" Dad asked, leaning back in his chair again. "Word is going around that she is working with 'em. A specialty of hers."

"Well, rumour has it that Prismacloth was going to be a big hit, but no one can get a hold of it," I said, reciting what I had heard on the news the other week. "Alyona will do."

"Perfect. Alyona is your woman then. Make sure you tell her your specifics and measurements. She hates working with bumbling clients." Bossman reached into his draw and took out a business card, sliding it across the table to me.

"I haven't measured myself in years, dad but will do. I'll contact her later." I took a step back and stood next to Bruce.

"Any questions you two?" Dad rested his elbows on the table, resting his palms under his chin.

"How is she going to get inside the castle?" Bruce asked.

"That is for you two to decide. I am sure you both will do just fine. Now go." Bossman swung around in his chair; the back of the leather turned to us.

We sighed and walked out of the office. This was just great. 

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