Jealous Love

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They walked to the residence in silence. Entered the corridor, made their way to their bedroom. 'I'm not sure what you think you're doing', Jill said, less sure of herself now but still annoyed, confused. 'I told you you're not sleeping here tonight'. Joe looked at her.

His eyes narrowed.

He made himself channel his instinct.

He knew her too well.

Began to see through the cracks.

Now that he took a moment to look.

He stepped towards her, determined. He was not to be messed with. He was taking the lead now like he realized he should have done two hours ago and saved themselves so much angst. Angst that could be put to far better use he decided.

He was directly in front of her now, his breath falling softly across her face. He raised a hand and frowned as she flinched. Swallowed when he realized she was afraid. Saw a little clearer again through the fog. What the hell was going on?

'I'll never hurt you Jilly', he promised, gently running his fingers through her hair. 'But if you think I'm gonna let some other guy touch my woman and then just walk away you've got another thing coming', he said. His voice was low, a deep rumble, incredibly sexy.

It cut through the fog in her brain.

She swallowed.

How she had longed to hear those words.

'You might have enjoyed that guy's lips against yours. But I think not. It doesn't really matter because I'm gonna make you forget he ever existed', Joe said, his own breathing deepening now, his heart beating erratically. She gulped, felt her body respond to him.

He was standing so close to her, her skin felt like an electric current was surging through every inch.

'Seeing that guy touch you. Fucking dare to touch my wife made me so mad. I wanted to rip his head off', he told her. 'And not seeing you push him away made me mad too', he confessed. 'But', he stopped, looking her right in the eye. 'I figure that the best thing I can do right now is show you what you'd miss', he breathed, his lips grazing her throat, sending a wonderful buzzing start within her body.

'Show you that no man can love you like I do. No other man on this planet can satisfy you', he whispered, dipping his head and catching her lips with his.

She melted against him.

Finally getting what she wanted.

Her husband was coming back to her.

She closed her eyes. Her body was roiling with so many emotions right now. She still wanted to tell him. Knew she should but she couldn't. Not yet. But through everything else, the doubt, the fear, the disgust, one thing was clear, she knew she wanted this. She grasped at what he was offering.

'Then show me', she challenged, running her hands along his chest, pushing his jacket off, pulling his tie open, practically ripping his shirt off.

'You want it like this?' he asked, pulling back a little. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on with her right now. Wanted to give her the space to say no. Wanted her consent. Needed to know she was ok to continue.

And there in the instant was the difference. Her own husband not wanting to take advantage of her and that guy thinking he could do what he wanted. No fucking way on this earth she was letting him come between Joe and her.

She smiled, all annoyance gone now. She just wanted her man. Wanted Joe to show her exactly how great they were together. How they fitted together perfectly. Spoke the language of each other's bodies.

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