A Big Question

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In the bedroom Jill rummages through her clothes, selects a yoga pants and t-shirt. Ditches the yoga pants and pulls on fresh cotton panties with the t-shirt.

She walks back to the living area of the suite. Directly across the room Joe is sitting with his back to her, hunched over an iPad.

She stops at the threshold and looks towards the window where less than an hour ago they had such a blissful reunion. She bites her lip and she lays her hand on her tummy, her insides are pleasantly molten, heavy. Her body is lethargic now but still the memory of their union is strong.

She swallows as she recalls the way he held her hand as she stepped into the bath. Recalls him telling her to scoot forward, delighting her when he sat in with her. She remembers how he covered every inch of her back and shoulders with tiny kisses and then kneaded tight muscles. How she turned over and settled herself on hi ... well, it was a lot of fun, she thinks with a private smile.

She thinks back to how, with a final kiss he stepped out and let her relax a while longer. Still undressed he ordered the grilled cheese sandwich she seemed to crave along with some food for himself too. She ate it wrapped in a robe, the sash slipping open, perhaps with a little more help from her than Joe realized. His eyes were soft as he watched her, their bodies satisfied, just truly happy now to be together. To be alone.

But he was still the President and his work never stopped. She knew he was waiting on an update from the team. As they finished eating she caught his hand in hers. 'Why don't you see if that information came through, honey? I'm gonna be a little while', she said, gesturing to her wet hair cocooned within a towel.

He smiled gratefully. 'Thanks babe', he replied.

'Well, take your time 'cause this won't be fast!' she laughed as she stood and unfurled the towel.

Now, returning to the living room area, hair fixed to her satisfaction, she sees him hunched over a screen.

He pulls out his airpods when he feels the touch of her hand on his shoulder. 'Sorry, I just ... the team sent it to me. I'll watch it again', he says, moving to turn it off. She leans over his shoulder.

'What is it? A movie?'

He sighs, 'yeah, it's called Till, you know, about the kid who was lynched in the 50's? We're gonna try again to get the legislation through. I asked for a refresh of the case and this has just been made, it's not released yet', he explained.

'Can I watch it? Can we watch it now?' she asks.

'Well', he hesitates, 'it's not really entertainment ...', he begins.

She leans down over him, runs her hand inside the front of his shirt. 'I know, obviously, but it's educational, it's about bearing witness. It's also something you need to do anyway and something we can do together', she says. 'How about we just sit on the sofa and watch it?'

And they do.

They are horrified by the inhumanity, by the brutality metered out to a boy and to his grieving mother. Blown away by her tenacity, her determination to see justice done for her son. Sickened by the barriers put in her way, by the lies and the obfuscation and the sheer ignorance of so many.

As the credits roll Joe closes the iPad and sighs deeply. They sit back, he reaches for her hand. 'Can you believe that folks still won't vote for that to be abolished?' he says, his voice incredulous.

She runs her hand along his arm. 'It's almost inimaginable, but not quite. We're still in a battle, Joe. A battle for the soul of the nation as a wise man puts it. If you can't get this across the line now, then, honestly, no one will for another generation', she says quietly.

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