The Grammys

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She stepped out with confidence into the melee of cameras and made her way to the designated entrance. She beckoned Anthony over, handed him her phone, and gave some instructions. He returned her gaze. 'On it boss', he replied, not one bit surprised.

In Camp David Joe took a slice of pizza and sat on the sofa in the space left for him. He felt pride certainly in all of the performers. Empathized with their journeys; the sacrifices, family and friends and artists had made to get to this point in their lives. But really he only had eyes for one person on that stage. His phone buzzed.

Inside! he read.

He smiled, typed back, cannot wait to see you! You're gonna steal the show babe xx. Everyone here sends their love.

He sent one more message, put the phone down, screen up just in case, but he knew that she would have to focus now. Anthony would have her phone safe in his pocket while she was onstage. He would contact him if anything went wrong. Then again, if anything went wrong the whole world would see it happening live.

He sat forward, praying that everything would go perfectly for her.

'She's on next guys!' Karrine's voice was filled with excitement. Everyone was pumped to see this. They leaned in close together, slices of pizzas and soda cans abandoned for the next few minutes.


'Oh my Gosh'.

'She's beautiful'.


The comments from the team washed over him. He willed her along, counted every step, prayed she wouldn't stumble. The dress looked amazing, it caught the lights and seemed to radiate her beauty from within, filling the auditorium with warmth and joy. She was simply stunning. His breath caught in his chest.

Around him everyone was talking, commenting, encouraging her but he was speechless. No words could convey the pride he felt in this moment.

His eyes scanned the glittering fabric, assessed every element of the whole ensemble, paused along her chest.

It was perfect.

He smiled.

He thought back to that evening she had tried it on, the final fitting when they had both agreed it was not quite there.

He recalled his words to her that evening. It's fabulous but not yet perfect. Well, now, on the stage in the huge auditorium under lights and cameras and within view of millions of people around the country, around the world, now it was perfect and he couldn't be happier for her.

As she waited for her to begin his mind wandered back to the evening she had first mentioned it to him, before the State visit of the French president, when she was being fitted for that one. She loved the dress, the feel, the style, the fit. One evening in Rehoboth she talked to him about getting a second made.

They were just finished with dinner he recalled, just heading outside to sit for a little while. He had pulled the lounger over with his foot, still holding her hand. It was expensive, she said. 'They're custom made Joe, it adds thousands of dollars on to the cost', she told him as he gestured for her to sit, had sat behind her, his legs on either side of hers and he'd gently pulled her back to rest against him. They were watching the sun sink below the horizon.

'See that', he said quietly.

'The sunset?' she asked, puzzled. 'Of course I see it Joe, but we're talking about a dress honey'.

He rested his hands on her tummy, chin on her shoulder. He kissed her cheek.

'This is fleeting Jilly. All of it. The presidency, the opportunities, the moments of brilliance this life is bringing to us right now. Don't you often say that you're not gonna waste a moment of what being First Lady has brought to you?' he asked, dropping a sweet kiss on her neck.

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