Chapter 15: Juliet's POV

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I was sitting on my bed, tying my converse. Today was saturday! I was so happy to have this weekend off of training. I had on my favorite yellow floral shirt, with a tank, covering my clevage. I had on my favorite jean, short shorts, and my faded green converse, which I was finished tying.

I walked over to my mirror, and did one more beauty check. It was 8:30, and I was going over to Andr'e's hut, to wake him up. We were going to get a perrmission slip, to leave camp, in order to spend the day together.

I happily jogged out my room, past the livingroom, where I saw Caris reading a book. I gave a quick wave, and continued out the door. There were some friends outside walking around, random teachers, couples, and more things like that.

It took 3 minutes, to walk to Andr'e's hut. I knocked at the door, when Sam, answered the door. "Oh yeah, here for Andr'e? He's still asleep in his room." He said yawning, hair messy, and only wearing shorts. I quickly jogged passed him, not caring for permission. I don't think he cared. I knew exactly where his room was, and walked in. "Aaaannnndrrrrr'eeee!" I said loudly. He still didn't move. I walked over to his bed, through his clutery room. I sat on the edge of his bed, starring at him. He was so perfect. I gentally ran my fingers through his hair, as he peacefully slept. "I love you..." I said in a whisper. I started rubbing his head furiously, trying to wake him. "ANDR'E! your getting on my nerves!!! wake UP!" I said, now putting my hand on his bare shoulder shaking him. "Whaat." He said finally waking up. "Well are we going to breakfast or not?" I asked annoyed, putting my hands on my hips. "yeah sure, give like five minutes and I'll be up..." He said sitting up straight, whiping his eyes. He was wearing long, plaid pajams pants, no shirt, and a dog tag. necklace. He looked so sexy, it was insane.

He got up, and dug through a pile of dirty clothes on the floor, pulling out a tiny pile, and walking to his bathroom. I Crossed my legs, still sitting on his bed, looking around as I waited for him. This place was disgusting. I would definetly, have to come over and help him clean up.

It was about 5 minutes, when he rentered, wearing Long, dark jeans, a blue tee shirt, and his bangs, laying in his face. He walked into the corner and grabbed a hoodie. He walked back over to me, pulling it over his head, and putting his hands, on my hips, and gave me a soft, kiss. It felt so magical, like I was in a fairy tale.

We left the house, and Andr'e filled out our permission slip, as he also, rented us a car to use. It felt a little weird, nowing he was 17, and I was about to turn 15, but I knew he loved me, and I loved him. He makes me feel safe, and happy.

We drove over to a diner, and decided to eat there. We were sitting at our booth, and ordered some breakfast. "How are your eggs?" I said trying to spark a conversation. "haha, they taste like eggs! How are your waffles?" He replied, taking one off my plate with his fork.

"Taste awesome! So, when did you first come to the Academy?" I asked, pouring more syrup on my stack. "oh, I came when I was like 8. Our dad wanted us to be able to fight." he said shoving his face. "...Our?" I asked confused. He stopped chewing, and starred at me, almost realizing what he had said.

"Oh yeah...By that I meant my,,,brother." he said airy, at the last part. "You HAVE to be frickin kidding me." He said slamming his fork on the table, as he starred at the entrance of the diner. "What.." I said turning my head to see a group of guys, about 20 or so, laughing and horse playing around. "What, is one of them your, brother?" I asked confused, of why he wouldn't want to see his own flesh and blood. "Listen, we better get out of here." He said, very seriously, with his head lowered. "Why?" I asked still confused. "Because I don't want to, or need to see him. And he shouldn't see us." He said seriously, pulling out his wallet, ready to pay the bill. "but.." "Listen! I'll explain in a minute we just need to go..." He said.

"Well, Well, Well! you have we here! Little bro!" a loud voice said, becoming closer and closer. I turned my head, to see a man, who looked like Andr'e, tan, had light blue eyes, like him, but with short choppy hair. "What are you doing here?" he said, obnouxiously, putting his hands on the table. I looked over at Andr'e, to see anger in is eyes, as he looked at his brother.

"Nothing, we were just leaving." He said scooting out of the booth.

"Why go so soon? we could sit and talk for a while." He said, slowly turning his head to see me, looking very akwardly at the wall.

Andr'e stood up, and walked in front of him, scooting towards my side. "Sorry, maybe some other time." He said annoyed. "Come on juliet." he said putting his hand out, his body covering me from sight, of his brother and his gang.

I quickly threw my bag over my shoulder, and got up, still hiding behind him. He tried to push us past him, dragging me along.

"Wait." His brother said, grabbing my arm. "Who is your friend?" he said starring at me. Andr'e outraged, walked towards him, ripping his arm off mine. "Don't you EVER, lay a finger on her." He commanded.

"Oh yeah, and who's gonna stop me." He said, slightly backing up. "I won't let you take away something that matters to me. Not again." He said starting to drag us out the door. "Don't you even bring that up." His brother yelled, to him, us fleeing the scene.

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