~Dylan Lenivy~

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The Quarry

Dylan Lenivy x Male reader

Requested: iamnoidiot

also I'm British not American so if I get anything wrong I'm sorry

Y/n(Your name), You're age:19, you're also taller then Dylan

Just Jacob being a c#ck block


*Y/n Pov*

I was walking past the sound cabin when a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me in side once the door was shut I felt a pair of arm wrap around my neck then pull me into a kiss, I obviously panic at first, not knowing who was kissing but when I realised that it was my boyfriend Dylan I happily kissed back putting my hands on his waist and pulled him closer, once pulled away I give him a smile "why hello there," he lets out a little chuckle "Star Wars refence nice," we both let out quiet laughs then I pull him back in for another kiss which he gladly returns, as we kiss I walk us over to an empty desk in the corner of the room and lift him up so he's sitting on the desk I then moved so I was standing in between his legs, just as things were getting more heated we hear the door open so we quickly separate just in time for Jacob to come prancing in like he owned the place "hey Dylan could I borrow a speaker also have you seen Emma- oh hey Y/n," Jacob said as he look up from the cabinet he was look though "here, and no I haven't seen Emma," Dylan said throwing Jacob a small portable speaker "alright, anyway Y/n Mr H wants you to come with me a the kids down to the lake for a swim taking Abby's place because she's got a cold and he doesn't want her to get worse," Jacob says "when?" I ask "in 15 minutes were all to meet outside of the canteen," he says leaning on the doorframe "all right, see you in 15," Jacob nods and walks out shutting the door behind him, both Dylan and I let out a deep breath once Jacob left "why does everyone keep interrupting us," It's true everyone we can't have a minute to our selves, a it's all most all ways been Jacob.

The first time it happened was the start of summer when we started dating, we were in the boat house and I had Dylan pressed up ageist a wall as we had a very heated make out when the door open and we quickly pulled apart as Jacob walked in and started a conversation with us. The second time was when I had my arms wrapped around Dylan from behind when we heard two sets of foot steps heading towards the kitchen and two voices having what sounded like a argument once we heard this we quickly separated and continued clean up just in time for both Kaitlyn and Jacob walked in "Y/n, Dylan what would you rather have the ability to shapeshift or have teleportation, because Kaitlyn say that teleportation is so much cool because you can go anywhere you want anytime you want, but I say shapeshifting is cooler I mean you can turn into anything or anyone you want," I role my eyes and give them my answer. This kept happening 95 prescient of the time the both of us got a second alone together.

But the next time it happened was the last, me and Dylan were sat on one of the small docks that overlooked the lake, we both sat wrapped in each others arms, in a comfortable silent just enjoying each other presence, that was until Dylan started talking "you walk in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright, Meet you in aspect and your eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light, Which heaven to gaudy day denies." he gives me a prod smile "wow aren't you quite the poet," he lets out a quiet laugh as I plant a soft kiss to his lips, as we pull away he began to speak "what about you got any poems or romantic one liners up your sleeve," I think for a moment until something came to mind "Let's commit the perfect crime together, I'll steal your heart and you can steal mine," he put his to his chest "you all ready have, you got any more or was that the only one?" he asks looking up at me "Are you a cat? Because you are purrrfect," I say putting enface on purrrfect "not the cat puns," he laughs, "If I were a cat, I'd spend all 9 lives with you or are you a cat? Because I'm feline a connection between us," he continues to laugh "I know this is going to sound cheesy, but I think you're the gratest," as he's laughing he slaps my arm a little, "now that one was just bad," I put my hand on my chest and make a shocked face, "how dare you," after I say this we both burst into fits of laughter, because we were laughing we didn't hear foot steps coming up behind us, until they started to talk "Y/n? Dylan?" which quickly snapped us out of our fits of laughter we look over to see none other than Jacob, who was stood frozen wide eyed, "not again," Dylan says rolling his eyes "what do you mean?" Jacob asks, "well if you must know every time me and my boyfriend try to spend time together you mindlessly come along and interrupted us, it's getting quite annoying," after I explain Jacob still looked for confused, "what I've never done that," both me and Dylan start laughing again, "well do you remember yesterday, when you came into the sound cabin looking for a speaker, Emma and Y/n," Dylan says between laughs "yeah, what about it," Jacob say tilting his he to the side like a confused puppy, "well if you had have walked in any later you would have seen our bear ass's, doing the devils tango," after Dylan says this Jacob goes redder then ruby stone, "I'm so sorry I'll try to never do it again," and with that Jacob turned and ran of with his tail between his legs, leaving Dylan and I laughing like a couple of hyenas.


(Word Count:1052)


I'm so sorry this took so long to finish, I'm helping with Preparations for my Grandad's funeral, but I hoped you enjoyed this:)

I'm so sorry this took so long to finish, I'm helping with Preparations for my Grandad's funeral, but I hoped you enjoyed this:)

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male characters x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now