Chapter Sixteen ~ Please Don't Go!

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~◇~◇~Chapter Sixteen~◇~◇

Please don't go!

*Tuut... Tuut.... Tuut...* Didn't I changed it into another song? I think and slowly open my eyes. But instead my alarm clock I see a weird machine. Beside that machine there is a bag with water, with a hose that goes to my arm. I think that's called an infusion. I try to sit straight and see it isn't my room. I look at my right side and see Kenneth sleeping in a chair. Why did he stayed here? What the hell happened to me? I stand up and walk to the bathroom. When I look in the mirror... I just can't believe what I see. On my left cheek there's a big purple yellow bruise. Also my jawbones hurt when I open or move my mouth. 'Holy fu*king shit' I curse. 'How am I able to film the final episode?' I walk back to my bed and put the blanket over Kenneth but it seems that he already woke up. 'Why are you already up? He mumbles. 'Are you okay? Does it hurts a lot?'

'Kenneth... What happened to me actually? I forgot it I think.. Did I fell from the stairs?'

Kenneth is in silent for a moment and then he puts me in bed. 'Wait here don't go anywhere I'll be back in a second' he says and walks out the room. Some minutes past and he finally comes back with doctor. 'How are you feeling Miss Kang?' he asks and shines with a little lamp in my eyes. 'Good I think only my jawbones hurts' I replied. 'There is nothing wrong except your jawbones but that will heal in weeks. If it hurts a lot you can put some ice against it.'

'But doctor she doesn't remember what happened yesterday' Kenneth says.

'Do you really don't remember it? Think about it' the doctor says to me.

I think as hard as I can but the only thing I know is it was my birthday. 'Yesterday was my birthday...? I guess. 'Prepare a brain scan' the doctor says to the nurse. Also he mumbles something to Kenneth and then leaves. 'Serious what happened to me?' I ask little bite annoyed. Kenneth sits at the chair and places his hand at my cheek. 'You got that bruise because of me. Last night after your birthday party we went to your room and... 'First kiss!!' I interrupt him. Kenneth looks embarrassed at the floor. 'We had our first kiss and then?' He hesitate but continues: 'Just when our... lips were about to touch your brother came in and thought I did something bad and wanted to hit me but you idiot jumped in front of me and got hit.' I couldn't believe Jack wanted to hit Kenneth. Or me. 'Are you sure it was Jack?' Just when Kenneth wants to answer two nurses come in. 'The scan is ready Miss Kang. Would you please follow us?'

'I'll see you later I guess' Kenneth says and give me a hug before I go with the nurses.

After the scan Mr. Ahn and Yuri came. 'Are you feeling okay?' Yuri asks. 'We were really concerned about you!' 'Why did Jack hit me?' I ask Yuri and Mr. Ahn. 'We wanted to ask you the same question. Did you forget?' Mr. Ahn asks. 'Minam forgot about it and because of that they made a brain scan. The result will be out soon' Kenneth explains. 'All right, let's wait then. Do you want to eat something?' Yuri asks. 'Do you want me to go downstairs like this?!' I say and points at the weird hospital ''dress'' and my cheek. 'Everybody wears it so that doesn't matter and I can fix your cheek!' Yuri shows the big make-up box. 'Why don't you guys go eat something first? We'll come later'. Kenneth and Mr. Ahn go and Yuri uses her magic on my face.

'Do you really want me to believe that you have a bruise?' Kenneth says unbelievable. Yuri may not be the best in studying but her skills in make-up is SUPER! 'My skills are amazing isn't?' Yuri asks Kenneth smiling. 'Eomeoni*, your skills are truly amazing! He says and raises his thumb. 'Okay, you praised her enough! Let's eat!' Mr. Ahn says and gives us the food. After the lunch we go upstairs to my room and not long after that the results came out. There's nothing wrong only it could be that I forgot what happened but it won't harm anything further. But if I kept forgetting things I need to come back. When it was around 4 P.M. I could go home. We dropped Kenneth at is home and rode to our house. 'When we're home we need to discuss something with Jack. And you should listen too' says Mr. Ahn like a dad that's little bit mad and that means I need to be there. I sigh. 'Okay...'

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