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                   Seven months later
It's been about a week since Dinorah had the baby and today is the day we are finally getting this DNA test done. She was practically harassing us her whole pregnancy. At one point she even went as far as posting about it on social media. I'm really hoping this baby isn't his because we don't need this bitch causing any more trouble. She named the little nigga  Devale trying to be funny but he has her last name. Devale and I have been trying our best not to be at odds but I can't sit with the fact he not only slept with my best friend but he did it so carelessly with no protection. Now he's been gone every other day and sometimes he even spends the night out. I wonder who it is this time.

This situation with Luv has torn me and Kay apart. She doesn't trust me, I leave the house to give her space and she doesn't like that, I try to take her out, but nothing is working. I honestly don't even think the baby is mine but Kay has it nailed in her head that it is so she's been kind of bitchy. However, the situation has brung me and Crystal very close. I've been with her every other day and sometimes I stay the night. I'm honestly falling in love with her. I know it sounds bad because I'm a married man but when it fits it just fits.


Luv- "Devale there's your dad"

Khadeen- "Unm can we get this done we don't need the meet and greet right now"

Luv- "Bitch was I talking to you?"

Khadeen- "Bitch? Dinorah don't make me whoop your ass again"

Luv- "Try it you can't do shit without your sister wife Crystal beside you"

Devale- "Okay ladies that's enough let's just get this done"

Khadeen- "No, what does she mean sister wife?"

Luv- ( laughing ) "Yeah Devale let's get this test done so you can go see your girlfriend"

Devale- "Luv chill please"

Khadeen- "Girlfriend? Devale what is she talking about and what is this luv shit you keep saying wtf?"

Dinorah laughs and enters the room where they'll be doing the test and Devale follows behind her. Khadeen takes a deep breath thinking about all she just heard and she follows them in. They swab both the baby and Devale and inform them the test will be ready in 24 hours. The car ride for Kay and Devale was pretty silent. She dropped him off at home and headed to Crystal's.


Khadeen takes a deep breath and knocks on the door.  Crystal opens it.

Crystal- "Hey sis, you okay?"

Khadeen- "Can I come in? I just need to talk to you."

Crystal- "Of course come on"

They walk inside and sit on the couch. Kay's holding back tears as she began to speak. She explains everything that took place at the DNA center with Dinorah and Crystal's mouth dropped.

Crystal- "So you came here to ask me if I'm sleeping with Devale?"

Khadeen- "I just wanted to be sure Crys, after everything that happened with Dinorah I just don't know anymore"

Crystal- "Well I'm kind of offended, I had your back this entire time so why would you even think to ask me that?"

Khadeen- "Crys I'm sorry, I just don't know who or what to trust after that you know?"

Crystal- "Look Kay, you're my sister and Devale is my best friend. If you're gonna be making accusations like this I think I should keep my distance from both of you, you should go."

Khadeen- "I'm sorry"

Khadeen gets up to walk towards the door but as she's leaving she sees a pair of sneakers she bought for Devale in the corner and makes a mental note of it. "Sorry again sis," she says as she opens the door and she's stopped by Devale on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" Devale asked her.

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