7 yrs.

306 24 13

Crystal's POV.

Lani, come on baby" I called to Devale and our youngest daughter. It's been 7 long years since we made our baby girl on that vacation. "Noelani Renee Ellis" is her name. We gave her a Hawaiian name because she was conceived in Hawaii. She was the our joy we absolutely needed at the moment. Don't get me wrong we love our other kids but there was something special about Lani had a beautiful face and soul. Our eldest son Jackson graduated from college some years ago and moved in with his long time girlfriend, Leslie. Kairo is away, he's a junior in college and Kaz is a freshman. As for our kids still in the home. Kota is a Junior in high school, Dj is a sophomore and Kennedy is a freshman. Our baby girl Lani is a 2nd grader.

We recently up and moved the family to LA because of Devale's job. He's now co owner of the LA dodgers.

Everyone is now settled in and we're doing great. Well all except Kennedy, that girl is such a problem child and she don't give a damn what nobody says or thinks.  She has my attitude and her fathers face. She can be sweet and loving at times but the Scorpio in her won't let anyone be great if they cross her. Today I had to pick all the kids up early because the school called because Kennedy had gotten into another fight.

"Mommy, why'd you pick me up early?" Noelani asked as we got in the car.

"I have to pick up your Kennedy, so I'll just get you all in one trip." I said to her "Put your seatbelt on please"

"Yes ma'am" Noelani buckled her seatbelt.

A little time has passed and we were pulling up to the high school. I got Noelani out of the car and we went in. Walking into the principals office there was Kennedy and 2 other students.

"Momma" She jumped up trying to hug me but I stopped her.

"Principal Smith, what's going on?" I asked because at this point I'm over Kennedy's bullshit

"Mrs. Ellis, how are you? Umm, Kennedy said that Jasmine was and I quote flirting with her man" Principal Smith said

"Excuse me?" I said in shock

"This" He pointed to the young man "This is Michael, her boyfriend"

"Kennedy! Didn't your father say no boys?" I asked visibly upset "and you in here fighting over one?"

"I wasn't-" She started to respond but instantly cut her off. "NO! I'm tired of coming up to this school every fucking week, I'm telling your father as soon as we get home" I said sternly.

"Principal Smith, I'm so so sorry, how many days is she suspended for?" I asked trying to calm my nerves.

"3, and there will be a meeting in place for her return" He replied.

"THREE?.... Okay, thank you, can you call Dakota and Devale Jr down please" I said

"Of course" He said as he went to make the announcement. We waited for the two of them and we headed to the car to head home. 

When we arrived home I sent her straight to her room until Devale came home.

It was now 6pm and Devale was just walking in the house which irritated me because he's usually home by 5.

"Hey baby" he said walking in the kitchen.

"Where you been?" I asked visibly annoyed

"I stopped by the store and picked up some of your favorites thought we could have a little date night inside" He said turning my frown upside down.

"That's sweet baby but I need you to deal with Kennedy seriously she's out of hand" I said

"What did she do this time?" He sighed

"She was at school fighting another young lady over a boy" I explained

"What?? KENNEDY GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE" He yelled and I could hear her foot steps coming down the stairs.

"Yes sir" She said nervously

"So you fighting over boys?" He asked walking closer to her

"No dad-" she began to speak before Devale punched her in the arm the first time

"Don't fucking lie" He said sternly

"I'm sorry dad" She said before Devale hit her again but this time it was harder and it made me nervous a bit.

"DEVALE!" I said

"What?" He asked as he hit her again "now go the fuck upstairs" he said to her. As she walked away I could see her arm turning red from Devale hitting her in the same spot.

"What the hell is wrong with you? She's not one of the boys you can't just punch her" I said

"That's my daughter too right? Or is it something you want to tell me?" He asked and that pissed me off

"You know she's your fucking daughter" I responded

"Then don't tell me how to fucking discipline her" he said before walking away

After the situation with Devale and Kennedy I decided to get me some wine, watch my shows and relax. A couple hours passed and I heard a knock at the door. I got up wondering who it was this time of night. As I looked out the side window I saw a police officer. I instantly got nervous about that whole Dinorah thing from years ago. I opened the door slowly.

"May I help you officer?" I said to the white man standing on my front step.

"We received a call about child abuse" The officer said and my mouth dropped I know Kennedy didn't.

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