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WTF you just say

I said (cough) that bitch is going to pay for this she tried to kill me holding her neck.
She's trying to stand but stumbles back. I can't believe she did that and why did you bring her with you you know what time it is when I called you over here like we haven't been fucking around these few months. Don't try to change up now.
(Finally, get her footing and stand up, and looks for her robe)

She insisted on coming with me cause your ass just couldn't wait till morning. And why lie and say Dj was sick you know she loves that little boy so u knew she would want to come with me, yo ass should have realized when I was telling you no.

Whatever, nigga move so I can check on MY son (walking into DJ'S room) WHERE THE FUCK IS MY SON "she yells" Looking frantic moving over to his crib. DEVALE WHERE IS HE?

"Whispering" she took him.

WTF YOU MEAN SHE TOOK MY SON oh this bitch really playing.
"trying to push past him" he grabbed her arm get the fuck off me Devale I'm going to get my son this bitch has lost her fucking mind if she thinks she is going to keep my baby.

Dinorah stop do you want her to kill you for real this time if you go to the house she will finish the job.

I wish she would try that shit again I'll be ready for ha ass. When it comes to my son anyone can get it now move out MY FUCK WAY DEVALE.

Ok take ya ass over there if you want to and let her finish what she started gonna fuck around and wake up dead. Go on since you are so bad.

Fuck you Devale

That's what you want ain't it (Laughing) listen you got two options 1. Go to my house and get yo ass beat again or 2. Take that L and leave town because if she finds out you're still alive it's not gonna end well for either of us, you ain't got long to choose so which is it?

"Thinks for a minute"
I'm not leaving my son.

You have no fucking choice you just couldn't leave well enough alone everything was going good you just had to want more I've always told you what your place was and you just don't get it, it will never be Fucking you ok damn.

(Looking heartbroken)
Why are you doing me like this your over there talking to me like I'm nobody I am the mother of your child and you talk to me like that I thought you loved me (crying)

Look I know you have my seed but that's all that will ever be. I got love for you but that's all it is luv. That's all it will ever be I love Crystal she is my wife.

You keep saying that but yet you still here always coming back to me so what is it then Devale be real with yourself for once. (Looking at him)

Cause you are always available that's why. I was in a bad place for a little while and Crys wasn't hearing me she just thought I should have dealt with Kay's death and moved on, I mean she and I were together for 20 fucking years. Shit like that doesn't just go away, I had fallen out of love with her but I did still have love for her she was the mother of my kids. And to see my kids hurt was something I just couldn't take. So yea I can back to you cause I knew you would be here I didn't mean for us to have sex I just needed someone to talk to and listen to me.
Whatever Devale you can save that little speech cause I don't believe you, you said all that but didn't say shit. If that was the case you should have taken yo ass to a fucking  therapist now move out MY FUCK WAY I'm going to get my son.

Back at Crystal and Devale's

After my shower start to feel better walking around checking on the kids everyone was still sleeping it was going on 2 a.m. and Devale is still not home. "He better had figured out what to do with her body"
I thought about calling him but changed my mind. Heading downstairs to get myself a drink I pour myself a glass of wine. I downed it and poured another one. I take the bottle and glass to head back to my room as I reached the stairs I hear my front door open turn to look and see Devale and Dinorah walking into my house.

WTF you're supposed dead.

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