WTF Kennedy

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Who the fuck is at the door this time of night Devale said coming down the stairs.

It's the police I called out when he rounded the corner to the living room.

WTF the police doing here Crystal Devale asked as he stood next to me at the door. I could smell the liquor on his breath.

Officer well is this the Elllis residents? Yes, this is the Ellis resident Devale said, clearly annoyed. How can I help you, officer?

Officer, well we got a call about supposed child abuse and we're here following up on the call. Are you he looks down at a piece of paper Umm Mr. Ellis.
Yes I'm Mr. Ellis, ok can we ask you a few questions, sir?

Meanwhile upstairs

Kennedy is standing at her bedroom door listening to what is going on downstairs. DJ walks out of his room rubbing his eyes what is going on why are the police here WTF you do now Kenn?

I ain't do shit that was yo father putting his fucking hands on me like I'm some nigga off the street.

WTF Kennedy DJ said bro you called the police on Dad what TF is your problem yo.

Like I said that's all him he will think twice about putting his hands on me next time. They didn't even give me a chance to explain. I was defending myself that bitch walked up on me and thought she was gonna just talk shit to me. Naw I don't get down like that so I rocked her shit TF.

That still doesn't give you the right to call the police on Dad you know they were upset and Mom was going to come talk to you and get your side she always does Kennedy. Now look you have made it ten times worse for yourself stupid ass.

Who are you calling stupid oh punk ass lil boy?

You cause you always doing shit then when u get in trouble you try to do spiteful shit. So what was your plan then by calling the police? You think they are gonna do what come and take Dad away for popping you a few times. Huh yo, ass needs more than that hell.

Yea, whatever Dj I just know he betta not hit me like that again.

Kota walks out of his room what is going on. He sees Kennedy and DJ standing at the top of the stairs and looks down and sees the police at the door WTF are the police doing here bro He looks nervous but doesn't let it show.

Yo stupid ass sister called the cops on dad cause he hit her Dj explained.

Yooo WTF Kennedy, Kota said bruh do you know WTF you just did, yea imma head out cause listen Kota is laughing ATP yo DJ go pick out what suit you going to wear this weekend cause we finna have sum to do laughing and walking back to his room and closes the door.

Man fuck both of y'all that man ain't gonna do shit watch the police take his ass away.

Bro do you really want Dad gone, Dj said getting mad, like really you are so spiteful I hope Mom rocks yo shit cause u playing with our family. All because you don't know how to stay out of trouble. Oh and another thing they don't take the parents away they remove the child from the home stupid ass, walking away laughing and leaving Kennedy in her thoughts.

Back downstairs

Questions about what Devale said asking the officer.

Well as I stated before we got a call about child abuse the child is named, and he looks down at his paper Kennedy Rose Ellis 15 years old DOB November 20th. He looks back up at them. I just have a few questions can I come in, please? By that time another officer was walking up behind the office. Hey, I told you to wait for me the officer says.

Once the other officers got to the top steps he introduced himself something that the other officer didn't do.

Hello, I'm Det. James this is my partner Officer Scott may we come in ma'am, sir the Det. asked

I stepped aside sure come in Det. James is it. Yes ma'am that's correct.

They process to walk in Officer Scott was looking around, y'all have a nice home here.

Thanks, I say so what questions do you have for us officers?

Well as I stated before
Hold up what the attitude for Officer Devale asked, I don't have an attitude, Mr. Ellis

I see Det. James looks around the living room he picks up a picture of the family puts it down then moves on to another one he looks at it then over at us looks back at it and sits it down.

Hey, the Det. called out your Devale Ellis the Devale Ellis the co-owner of the Dodgers and former MLB hall of fame Devale Ellis.

Yes, that's me Devale said with a smile I see you follow baseball.

Yes, I do Det. said with a hint of excitement in his voice I love baseball and I love you man you were a beast on the mound couldn't nobody hit off you man. He walks over and dapes Devale up.

Thanks, man I appreciate it those were the good times Devale said. Look I'm sorry y'all had to come out here this late but there isn't child abuse going on here. Yes, I did discipline my daughter she has been getting into trouble at school. I normally don't whoop my children but today was enough. She got suspended from school today for fighting. So yes I did spank her. So you know how kids are Det. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Yes, I do Mr. Ellis I have two of my own so I understand. Well let us get out of y'all hair it's late and I know y'all are probably ready for bed Det. James said. I'll wrap this up for you Mr. Ellis and please tell your daughter that calling the police on her parents because she is mad and got in trouble is not the right thing to do. I just might have to take her n for fighting he laughs as they walk to the door.

Laughing I sure will and again sorry about y'all having to come out here Devale said.

He shakes their hands as they are standing on the porch yall have a good night officers I call out just before Devale closes the door.

Wait Det. James calls out hey man can I have your autograph and a picture Mr.Ellis.

Sure you can here baby take this picture for us. Handing me Det. James's phone I snapped a few pictures for him, here you go I took a few for you.

Thanks, Mrs. Ellis y'all have a great rest of the night. He turns and walks away.

Y'all do the same I call out before closing the door I take a deep breath before turning around and I am met with Devale staring at me I can see and feel the anger coming off him. No, no baby wait please wait let me talk to her I promise I'll fix this.

You fucking better he said through gritted teeth. Before I really hurt her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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