Chapter 18

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Sheepishly, I pocket the device. "You're not having fun?"

She brightens her eyes and smiles widely at me, showcasing her perfect pearly white teeth. "Loads." she says in a fake cheery tone, while pointing at her over the top polite smile that quickly deflates. "My cheeks hurt from fake smiling so much." she whines, using her fingers to massage her cheeks in a circular motion. "At least people are starting to leave."

"Eager to get home?" I tease.

"Yes." she states honestly. "My face and my feet are killing me." She toes off her heels under the table, while flexing her dainty feet.

"Apparently, I'm driving you home solo." I inform her. It was always the plan to have Nini go home with Judd to be traditional, the bride and the groom not staying the night together, and only seeing each other at the wedding ceremony.

Nini lets out a sigh, while slumping back in her chair. "Yeah, Daddy mentioned something about possibly catching up with an old friend of his. Sorry."

"Not a problem."

"I'd have Taehyung drive me home but..." She lamely gestures over to him sitting in the corner, loudly and drunkenly laughing along with his buddies.

"Not a problem," I repeat. "I'm heading that way anyway."

She gives me a soft smile and quickly toes back on her shoes as Barbara approaches our table, urging her to say goodbye to the rest of the guests leaving. When the rest of the guests leave and it's just Taehyung sitting around with his buddies, Barbara gives Nini a very detailed run down of tomorrow, giving her clear instructions.

Once Barbara is done with her, Nini walks over to her soon-to-be husband who hardly pays her any attention, only lazily slinging an arm low around her waist as he focuses his attention on one of his buddies telling a story.

"Hey..." Nini says, tearing his attention away. "I'll see you tomorrow." She dips her head low, offering up her lips to him. He meets her halfway, while planting his lips on hers, as his hand slowly makes its way to palming her backside, making me involuntarily clinch my fists, although I have no right to feel so territorial.

I turn my head, while slowly walking away as they exchange their goodbyes, unable to watch this scene pan out. I make it about halfway to the parking lot when Nini catches up with me. We walk side by side in silence and I help her up into her father's truck.

Driving out of the city and down the back roads, we roll the windows down, letting the warm breeze flow in while soft music from the radio flows out. It's quiet, peaceful and comfortable.

As we near her house, we come up on Pete's Bar, a small little hole in the wall place that all the teenager's used to sneak into because no one carded anybody.

"Remember the first time you, Bambam and I snuck into Pete's?" Nini asks. "You two were scared senseless that we'd get caught." She laughs.

"Well yeah, have you met my mama?" I say, remembering that day clearly, being terrified that we'd get caught and Pete would call up my folks. I'd never hear the end of it from my mama.

Nini throws me an exasperated look before snickering. "Sissy." she says under her breath.

I quickly tap on the brakes, jarring her.

"Lisa!" she scolds through her laughter.

"That's what you get."

She huffs dramatically, while crossing her arms.

"I could really go for one of their burgers." she says off-handedly, and right as she says that, my stomach growls.

At the rehearsal dinner, all we were served was a tiny steak, smaller than the palm of my hand, with a small helping of green beans and mashed potatoes. I'm starving, and Pete does have the best burgers in town.

Without a second thought, I pull into the gravel parking lot that has only two other cars and Nini's face lights up. We both hop out of the truck and head inside the poorly lit establishment that smells of grease, alcohol, and stale cigarette smoke.

Nini leads the way past the pool tables and takes a seat on top of a red leather stool right at the bar, where I join her. Old Pete walks up to greet us, with a dish rag tossed over his right shoulder, his long beard growing more grey and untamed with age. He's packed on a few more pounds, his beer belly more prominent, while the hair on his head is no longer so prominent.

"Well, I'll be damned." He smiles ear to ear. "If it isn't Lisa Manoban and Jennie Kim. I haven't seen you kids in years!"

"Hey, Pete." we greet him in unison.

"What can I get you kids?"

Nini and I both end up ordering burgers and whiskey, stuffing our faces. We end up drinking until well past midnight, talking and laughing about everything and nothing at the same time.

Before Pete can tell us that it's last call, I pull some cash out of my wallet, laying it on the bar, and Nini and I go stumbling outside, feeling a little buzzed.

"Looks like we're walking, lady." I say, knowing neither of us is any state to drive.

Nini just gives me a lazy smile, while grabbing my hand and swinging our arms back and forth as we begin the two mile walk to her house. Although, my arm starts getting yanked once she begins skipping happily.

"Skip with me, Lisa!" she demands cheerfully, and dragging me along.

"I am not skipping." I chuckle.

"Oh come on you big ba... oh!"

I jerk her back, somehow managing to smoothly twirl her under my arm before she goes crashing into my chest. "Choose your words carefully, Jennie." I say lowly, and teasingly.

Her already alcohol flushed face turns a deeper shade of red and a string of uncontrollable giggles bubbles up from her chest. We dance a quarter of a mile back, with Nini twirling around carelessly. It's about a half a mile in when she begins to shut down, growing tired.

"Carry me back." she mumbles sleepily, while getting behind me and jumping on my back.

I stumble drunkenly, gripping onto the back of her thighs. "Really, Nini?" I ask, mildly annoyed.

"Mhmm..." she hums, pressing her cheek to my shoulder. "Please?" she asks, with her voice soft, almost childlike.

"Only you, Nini." I mutter, while shaking my head.

Only you, Nini.

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