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"It doesn't end badly, does it? Or I can't watch this movie..."

Tor smiled and took my face in his hands.

"I said no, baby. Let's get started."

When he left my face and focused on opening the movie, I turned around and looked at with a strange feeling. I felt like I was being watched.

When I came back and looked, I met with Mr. Pruk and his fierce eyes.

Why did he suddenly appear in the hall?

However, he stayed in the office room on the same floor for hours, and without contacting me properly, then he went upstairs to his room. But this time he was here and watching us...

When my eyes turned and found him, he turned and walked away as if nothing had happened, and I didn't make a sound.

After almost 20 minutes, I came to myself with the vibration of my phone. I was neither able to focus on the movie properly nor was I interested in Tor.

I just thought of Mr. Pruk and himself in the living room, right behind the sofa, watching us. I opened the phone and looked at the message.

Mr. Pruk: Come here.

I stared at the message for a moment, puzzled, and turned to Tor.

"I need to go for a minute."

I got up and went to the office room and just as I was about to knock, the door opened.

"Come NuNew."

As I entered, Mr. Pruk began to speak.

"We have important business, so tell your friend to go home."

I looked into his eyes with disappointment.

"But we were watching the movie-"

"You can watch your movie later. It doesn't run away. Now do as I say and I'll deal with this place in the meantime." He said, pointing to his messy desk.

He was telling me directly what he wanted me to do, not asking or expecting an answer, just saying me to do it.

As if it wasn't enough for me to be an unwelcome guest in his house, the fact that he was doing this just hurt me, if only he knew that.

I nodded and left the room and went to Tor, who was sitting unaware of anything in the living room, and started talking without sitting on the couch.

"Tor, I'm so sorry but we have an urgent business, now Mr. Pruk said. I know the movie isn't over, but..."

"Oh yeah? We'll watch it again, don't worry. We had a good time though."

After Tor replied very politely, he packed up and left, so I quickly cleared the place and went to Mr. Pruk's office.

"We'll talk after dinner, now I have to get these files done."

If we were going to talk after dinner, why did he rush to send Tor out of the house and embarrass me?

I was about to direct my question to him when his phone rang and it wasn't even time for me to speak. While he was answering the incoming call, I rolled my eyes and left the room.

Aunt Leina had brought the food and had already started serving the table. I greeted her with a smile and helped.

Since there was no one to cook at home, Mr. Pruk had hired a helper and Aunt Leila used to cook even before I came to this house, but aunt would only come home at mealtimes, leave our food and go because Mr. Pruk was uncomfortable with the fact that there were too many people in the house.
Likewise, the employees he had contracted for cleaning or gardening were not staying at our house, so it was just the two of us.

It was creepy at times, he could come home late some nights and I couldn't sleep until he came, I had to wait.
Indeed, it made me feel strange that we couldn't meet some mornings.

Mr. Pruk sat across from me at the table, and we began to eat our dinner, but neither he nor I spoke. Although I was actually very curious about what he called 'important business', I was holding back because he said we'd talk after dinner. We had dinner and then we had dessert.


I came to my senses when I heard Mr. Pruk's warning voice.


"How many minutes have I been calling, why don't you answer? What do you think is so deep?"

"I don't know, I think I'm lost."

He smiled mockingly. "This is how being lost is, you've been licking the spoon since start..."

I looked at the spoon in my hand. In fact, I was standing with the back of the spoon licking.

"Your lip is creamy."

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and said, "Okay?" I asked.

"No, the right side. No that's not there. Stop..."

He got up from the table, came to me, touched the corner of my mouth with his hand, took the cream, brought it to his mouth and licked it.

When his eyes went up from my lips, he found mine. We looked at each other for a while.

"You're welcome." He looked at my shocked gesture and walked away from me. I called after him as he left the room.

"B-but we were going to talk?"

"After shower."

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now