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With my hands still tied, he would forcefully made me drink my soup, then made me eat a few nuts and now he was asking me which fruit I wanted to eat.

I wasn't answering.

"Let me feed you a banana, you like it..."

I rolled my eyes, he peeled the banana and brought it close to my mouth, I couldn't use my teeth because it was cold and I sucked the top of the banana.

He looked at my lips that covered top of the banana. I looked at him either. Our eyes met in an instant, I suddenly pulled back. "It's cold, I'll eat it when it's warm, let alone on the tray."

He put the banana on the tray without saying anything. Then put the tray on the coffee table.

"What do you mean I can't see you even if I wanted to?"

He stood up and walked to the other side of the bed again, sitting with his back to me. "You have a flight tomorrow night."


"You're going abroad, NuNew.."

"You're sending me on a vacation?"

"It counts, you know the university you will start next year, you will study the same department but somewhere else, in another country."

He was sending me.

He was sending me from home.

He was leaving me.

Would he marry?

Was he uncomfortable with me because I was at home?

Was he sending me because of this?

"You didn't even ask me, are you betraying my uncle?!" I said as I shocked.

He answered in his still calm voice as my voice rose. "No matter what, you will get my financial support until the end."

"What do you think! What do you think?! Did my uncle entrust me to you just because you have money?! Do you think I am a robot? Do I live only on money? Uncle thought you were here for being next to me, supporting me but not with money, with your soul.. But how would you know, right? That's right."

He was still not speaking as tears flowed from my eyes, I couldn't see his face because his back was turned to me.

I wanted to see his face.

I wanted to see him.

I wanted to see how his face looked when he made me this way.

I wanted to look into his eyes.

And wanted to see if he was sorry for what he done to me.

When I stopped holding myself, my sobs could be heard all over the room, I started to kick the blanket on me with anger, my hands were still tied. "Let go then! Why not that plane ticket is right now?! Let me go now!"

I was literally having a nervous breakdown, Zee stood up, approached me and started to untie the ropes, as soon as he untied I tried to push him and hit him but not hard, I just wanted to show my reaction.

"Why don't you leave me behind of you right now? Why not right now!?"

I was crying, I stood up, while Zee was trying to hold me back.

"NuNew, be calm!"

As I continued to push him, he grabbed both my arms behind me and tried to calm me down, his face close to mine as we were both panting, his hands holding my arms, this time holding my face.

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now