Age Gap

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"NuNew? Are you sure about this decision? You can give up if you want..." Zee said while shaking my head no.

"Don't waste ticket money for nothing, it will be a change for me too."

We were walking towards the planes at the airport. When Zee talked about the plane ticket that night, I thought I'd better go, it would be good for me to rest my head for a while.

When we got to the front of the plane, Zee handed the suitcase to the attendant, it was time to get on the plane, I looked towards him and came close to kiss him, but he pushed me. "There are a lot of people here, it seems like it would be better if we just hug..."

Even though I was upset with what he said, I hugged him without showing it, saying "See you..." and stepped back to get on the plane.

I sat in my plane seat in the corner to the window, Zee was standing in a place that I could see immediately from where I was sitting.

We waved at each other as the plane started to take off, then I saw someone approaching Zee.

She was that woman, who came home that day.

Zee's secret fiancee...

Why was she here?

While I was still watching them, Zee approached and kissed her lips, I didn't know what to feel at that moment, it was like I was in a huge void.

"Zee..?" His name slipped silently from my lips.

I got up quickly, pushing people to reach the door of the plane, but the stewardess stopped me. "Sir, the plane is about to take off, where are you going?"

"No, I have to go, I have to go, please.."

While I was trying to get past the stewardess, another stewardess came and grabbed me from my back. "You can't go, the plane is taking off..."

I had to go to Zee, I couldn't just leave them.

No, no...

I started yelling, the stewardesses' arms over me as trying to calm me down, everyone on the plane looked at me.

"Let me go! I have to go!" Tears started flowing from my eyes, although I was still shouting, this time I felt like my voice was hoarse, as if no one could hear me anymore in the chaos.

The sound of the plane's engine was drowning my cries, I was feeling very nauseous, I ran to my seat and looked out the window but there was no one, Zee was there before, I stuck to the window to see him but I couldn't see.

"No, it can't, it can't be..."


At that moment, a familiar voice came from the backseats, and I immediately turned and looked.

"Mom..." In the back seats, my mother, next to my father and my aunt and uncle... I just stood there in amazement at what I saw, how could this happen?

"Now you're coming with us, son, you'll never see Zee again."


This time my uncle started talking. "Zee's already gone NuNew..."

"No uncle, no, he's waiting for me, I'm sure he is. Please let me go to him, please..."

"No NuNew." Everyone on the plane was shaking their heads, saying no, while I was crying.

"No NuNew..."

"Nu? No. No..."

"It's not real, it's just a nightmare, wake up..."

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now