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Ilya still hadn't woken up, she was lying in my bed. I raised the level of the light so that she would wake up, she brought his hands to her eyes, blinked, and looked at me.

When she saw me in front of her, she got up slowly, sat on the bed, looked at my face.

"Hello, Ilya..."

"Hello, sorry I went to your bed, I was so sleepy..."

"I just came to rest, it's okay. I have something I want to talk to you about, Ilya..."

She too stood in a sitting position. "Let's talk."

I continued to stare at her face. "I know how hard it is for you, being engaged to someone like me... But I'm not like that to everyone, Ilya, I'm not like that to the person I love."

"How?" She said as she studied my face.

"I didn't get engaged to you on purpose, and I couldn't love you after we got engaged. It's all because of my grandfather. I couldn't pretend to love you because that would give you hope."

She pressed his lips together, I think she was trying hard not to cry. "So there's someone you love right now..."

"Yes, yes, and I'm fighting for him, for us. Even if my grandfather didn't want to..."

"I wish I could fight too..." she said in a low voice.

"What do you want to say?"

"Zee, I... I fell in love with someone, a friend of mine from high school. My father didn't accept it, he fought for us for two years, I couldn't stand up to my father...And I lost him. I tried to love you, but I got it while you were saying it that... I realized that I can't forget him."

I approached her as tears fell from her eyes one by one. "Do you want a hug?"

She shook her head and we hugged each other, and after a while we pulled back.

"Zee, thank you for sharing this with me, I'm not mad at you."

"I thank you too, for sharing your secret with me."

We smiled at each other.

"Can I ask you something? Do you like the boy in this house, Zee?"

"Is it too obvious?" I said with a slight smile.

"I felt it, as women, we are intuitive... He'll survive, don't worry." She put his hand on my shoulder and we both stood up.
We said good night to each other and parted ways.

When Ilya left, I grabbed NuNew's t-shirt and book, which I had left on the couch, I didn't want to lie down on the bed, instead I lay on the couch, spread his t-shirt over me, and opened his book.

He had put a bookmark where he left off, and I started reading that page, paying attention to the sentence he marked in the last part.

"If there is any truth in the world, it lies when I'm with you, ...."

He had drawn this sentence from top to bottom.

He loved this sentence.

He found something about himself in this sentence.

He saw us in this sentence.

It was as if I was hurting, the minutes did not know how to pass, I felt very bad when I saw pieces of him.

I didn't want my hope to fade.

What was between us at first was just physicality, but now there was something else inside me besides desire for him.

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now