As If

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*One new message*

Tor: Just like the other day, send me a photo.

I looked at the message and grinned. I didn't want to familiarize Tor with such things, but I also liked being taken care of. I think it was because of loneliness, my friends were not few, but because I lost my family, I wanted to be visible to someone, I was trying to fill my family gap with this.
Mr. Pruk wasn't even interested in me anyway, so I wasn't putting him on the list.

I was wearing gym shorts and a well-fitting blouse, I had sent a photo of myself wearing a similar outfit the previous time and Tor liked it. He said he liked my legs.

Again, I adjusted the phone for a similar photo, and just as I was posing, the door opened, and my hands and feet were tangled. As Mr. Pruk approached, he must have understood what I was doing, so he immediately posed a question.

"Are you sending someone a photo?"

I swallowed and pulled my legs to myself.


"Are you taking photo to look at yourself then?"

He sat on the bed right next to me while we were talking.

It was impossible to play with him because the game wasn't over until he won. That's why I gave up on not prolonging it.

"Actually, yes, I was hesitant to send it to someone..."

"To whom?"


His thoughtful gaze studied my legs for a moment and then turned to me.

"This is exactly what we need to talk about."


"Since I'm the one who is responsible for you, I need to know what you're doing with him..."

I stared at him with my mouth wide open in amazement.

Okay, I could be sharing a house with him.

Okay, he could be helping me financially.

But none of this gave him the right to interfere with my private life.

"This is none of your business Sir. Why don't you care? We're not even related by blood!"

"But you are entrusted to me by your uncle."

I sighed in anger, why was he bringing the subject up to my family?

"I'm not saying it to upset you..." he said, bringing his face closer to mine.

"You're just too young to go through things, I have to protect you, you don't even know that boy properly."

"I don't need protection!"

"Watch your voice! I'm thinking of you."

"How long have you been thinking about me? Why didn't you think about me on those days when you didn't come for hours?
Did you text or call me once, did you say don't worry I'll be late?
Did you care and talk to me properly?"

Tears filled my eyes, but I wasn't going to cry, I was holding back as much as I could.

He took his eyes off me and turned his face, paused for a moment and stood up.

"You're right, I shouldn't be thinking about it now either."

As he got up and walked to the door, I spoke behind him. "What are you going to do about what I'm going through with my boyfriend?"

"Are you going to tell?" he said immediately, turning back.

"N-no." I said barely.

This time he turned his body fully towards me and came closer again.

"You will, Nunew. As long as you are in this house, you will do as I say."

I couldn't understand how he had suddenly changed his mind so quickly.

I shivered slightly as he approached me and shook my head. "Okay."

"Explain." He said just as he settled into his place.

"Actually, I couldn't do much because I was embarrassed, but he helped me-"

"Even..." he said, cutting me off abruptly. " me what he's done to you."

"How shall I show you?"

"As if I were him."

Before I could say anything, he grabbed my wrist and lifted me off the bed. He was still sitting in bed.

If we were going to play games again, this time I wouldn't give up.

Whatever he wanted, I would give it to him.

"Okay then, let me show you while I say it."

I gently shoved him off his shoulders and climbed into his lap and sat on him.

He looked at me in surprise, as if he wasn't expecting that.

"He picked me up like this, then I timidly wrapped my arms around him."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body tightly against him.

My heart was beating very fast, I was very excited, but I was doing my best not him to understand.

"Then..." I took one of my hands and took his hand and placed it on my hip. " this.." I put his other hand on the other side. "..and that's how he grabbed me."

It was strange to me that I could feel his hands through the thin fabric of my shorts.

I brought my lips close to his, but I pulled back a little without kissing.

"He kissed me, but I can't do that with you because you hate it."

"What did I hate?"

"Don't you remember that day when our lips accidentally touched..."


"S-sorry, Mr. Pruk, it was really unintentional."

He looked at me firmly. It was so firm that I felt very bad for a moment.

He acted as if our lips hadn't accidentally touched and I had approached him on purpose.

"Watch your moves, nothing like this will ever happen again."

While he was leaving the kitchen in anger, I just stood there with my eyes full of tears.

Back to day

"...when our lips accidentally touched that day, you were very angry with me."

The fact that I was still sitting on his lap both got me horny and also embarrassed me. I could not even dream of such a thing.

I pull myself back as Zee stays focused on my lips, and in that moment his hands grip my back hard, pressing me against him.

At first I thought he wasn't going to kiss me when his lips hit mine, but suddenly I felt him start to suck my lower lip. I stayed like that, not knowing what to do, but I felt like I was passing out as I felt his warm lips on my mouth.

A groan escaped my lips involuntarily.

It was as if this voice suddenly brought him to himself and separated his lips from mine, grabbed me and laid me back on the bed.

I was having a hard time keeping up with events that happened within seconds.

All of a sudden we were fighting, I was on his lap, suddenly we were almost kissing, and suddenly he was leaving me behind.

As I watched him leave the room without saying anything, all the emotions inside me were erased, I was left not knowing what emotions to put in their place.

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now