If Only

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When I opened the door, I looked at the old man who came across me, wearing a suit, white hair, and two bodyguards behind him.

"Hello, I'm Poi Pruk, Zee's grandfather..."

The man who forced Zee for engagement was in front of me.

The man who made Zee suffer was in front of me, I didn't know what to do.

He looked me up and down, waiting for me to say something.

I didn't know why every time I opened this door, people I didn't know came out instead of the person I was waiting for.

The man smiled slightly when he realized that I was not going to continue the sentence. “I know you, you must be Zee's friend's niece..”

I nodded, and he continued talking. "There are things I want to talk to you about, but let's not do it here, do you have half an hour to talk?"

Everything was happening so fast, everyone I didn't know said they knew me, whoever entered this door knew me, but I didn't know them.

"I don't know what to say, sir. Mr. Pruk will be home in an hour actually. Can't we talk here?"

"I'm saying that in case Zee comes anyway, I don't want him to hear what we're talking about, about his wedding..."

When it came to the wedding, I was depressed. Actually, it's not just the wedding, the problem was that it was Mr. Pruk's wedding.

I was wondering what we were going to talk about this topic.

"Well then, let's go." I said confidently. I just took my phone and key with me, saw the cars at the door.

Zee's grandfather had come in two cars. While we got on one with the driver and a guard, two guards were on the other car.

Why did he come with so much protection?

Also, why two cars and not just one?

I understood Zee now, this man had both power and money. It must have been very difficult to confront him.

We talked almost nothing along the way, and we hadn't gone too far anyway from the home.

The car entered a road that overlooking the sea, then we parked on the side of the road. Other car with the guards came from behind.

This was a cliff very close to the sea, not very high from the sea, but looking down would of course frighten someone.

The driver and bodyguard got out of the car parked at the edge of the cliff, and Poi and I sat in the front seats as he spoke. "I want to talk to you about something private." he said, pulling the others out of the car.

I turned towards him and looked at his face. "Sir, what are we going to talk about?"

He also turned to me. "NuNew, you're a 21-year-old in the prime of your youth. You've lost your parents, so you're living with Zee... You're planning to start college next year."

Why was he talking about me?

How did he know all this?

He was silent for a while as I grappled with the questions in my mind, but then he turned his gaze on my face to the shirt I was wearing.
"You even bought this shirt with Zee."

"W-what?" I could only say.

Maybe he had heard other general information from Zee, but this…how could he have known? Did Zee say that?

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now