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When it was 12 o'clock, Aunt Leina was still with me, we were chatting, sometimes she brought tea, sometimes she put a wet cloth on my head to take my fever.

While she was talking about something else, her phone rang. "Dear, hm? What happened? Oh yeah, are you okay now? Actually, I was going to stay here today, but.. I'll call you soon..."

She turned the phone off while looking at my face as if to say what happened. "NuNew, I was going to stay here tonight, but my husband got sick, so he worked really hard this week..."

"Okay.. Go of course, auntie, you've cured me anyway." I got up and hugged her and she hugged me too.

"You're my son, I'm your spiritual mother.. When something happens, don't be afraid to tell me, then you get sick like this because you're sensitive."

I looked at her face with a warm smile, as if it was something I needed for a long time, it was so good to feel parts of my mother around me for the first time.

I was still lying in bed after Aunt left, I grabbed one of my yaoi books and started reading, it was good for a distraction at times like this.

At that moment the door to my room opened, I turned my head a little, because I already knew who was coming. Zee had entered.

Who would it be?

Who else would come and spoil it when everything is going well?

I turned my gaze back to my book, not making him realize that I was looking at him, and Zee closed the door, walked in. "You should sleep and rest."

I didn't say anything.

He sat on the other side of my bed with his back to me.
"Did you have a fever?"

Again I didn't say anything.

"Do you have a sore spot?"

And I was silent again.

Why Zee?

Why are you pretending to care about me?

Why are you tricking me?

All of a sudden, he turned towards me and looked at me, frightened by his sudden movement, I pulled my shoulders back and came to a sitting position.

"Did you eat anything?" His voice was also quite harsh when he asked the question with a stern look at my face.

I looked at his face for a moment and looked away, it would be my biggest mistake to meet his eyes because I was very impressed.

He turned away and quickly got up from the bed and left the room.

After he left, I tried to focus on my book, but it didn't work, I hated when he confused me.

Almost ten minutes later, the door to my room opened again, Zee walked in with a tray, a bowl of soup, some nuts and fruit. "Slide aside, you'll have something to eat..."

I crawled to the other side of my bed as I set that tray on the coffee table next to me. "No, I won't."

I was about to stretch my legs from the other side of the bed and get down and run when Zee grabbed my wrist hard. "New!"

When he caught me, I looked at his face, as if fire was pouring out of his eyes. With his hand still holding my wrist, he put his other hand in his pocket, and I looked at him in surprise when he pulled out something like a rope. "I knew you wouldn't stay still."

He said calmly and clasped my two wrists together on the headboard of the bed, quickly tying it with a rope, not caring even though I was still struggling and trying to escape.

Finally, with my hands tied, I stopped moving. Because it was nonsense.

"Leave me!" I said angrily.

"I'm not leaving you, what will you do?"

"You will leave!" I said assertively.

"I'll leave, but not right now. Don't worry, you won't be able to see me one day even if you wanted to."

"W-what?" I said barely.

What did he mean?

I wouldn't be able to see it even if I wanted to...

What did that mean?

I stopped saying anything when my mind was blown away again by what he said.

"Now, you'll have a nice drink of soup, then some nuts, and I'll peel you some fruit."

Why was he doing this?

Why was he like this?

He told me downstairs that I couldn't interfere in his life and now...

He was telling me that he was going to peel fruit for me now...

Was it real, was he doing it willingly?

I didn't know, I couldn't know but I really wanted to know...

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now