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From Mr. Pruk's Point of View:

I didn't know how many files and documents I looked up from, luckily, I've taken care of the last one now. I could go home after a busy day. 

I was feeling very tired, exhausted, at the same time I tried to stay energetic all day by reminding myself that I would go back to Nu.

To our home.

Because it wasn't my own home anymore.

It was ours.

I knew it when I saw NuNew at the first time. He made it a real home when he came.

I entered my schedule program to take a look at from my tablet where my daily work was written, meetings, documents etc. I checked to see if any meeting exists.

At that time, I came to myself with the notification that came from my phone.

Attention: -NuNew is moving away from home location.-

I had installed a program on NuNew's smartwatch to show where he went when he was meeting with Tor, the  smartwatch could detect his location suddenly.

When he left the house, the notification came directly to me, it was my responsibility to keep an eye on him, I had to do it.

I immediately called NuNew, I think his phone was on silent, after ringing for a while and not picking up, I quickly got up and said my assistant as I was leaving my room. "Get the car ready now! I'm leaving the company."

I also called the security of the home before I got on the elevator, but he didn't open.

What was going on?

Everything was out of my control..

While driver was driving almost at full speed to where NuNew's smartwatch indicated, to the location, I started to review the camera footage of the home from my tablet, my eyes widened in shock when I saw the person who was walking to the door almost a twenty five minutes ago.

My grandfather had come home, he had even taken NuNew and they both left.

But left to where? Where did they go?

I was about to go crazy.

What was the job of security?

I told him he shouldn't have taken my grandfather home. Because I didn't want my grandfather to see NuNew, even talk to him. I knew it was something dangerous.

I looked at the camera in the security room, and when I saw one of my grandfather's bodyguards holding a gun to security of home, I realized that they had taken him hostage, so he couldn't answer my calls.

So where was NuNew, why wasn't he picking up my phones?

“Sir, the location points here..” With the sound of the driver's voice, I looked up to where we had come from, it was a cliff by the sea.

I suddenly got out of the car with my bodyguard, my driver and looked around, I was yelling at him to hear me.

To NuNew,

To my little baby...

Where was he? I was crazy to see him.

The employees next to me were also looking around like me, on the contrary, it was as quiet as possible. It would be almost evening.

This was stressing me out even more, that if he was indeed around here, it would be harder for us to find him.

Annoyed, I called my grandfather on my phone.


"I'm not your son or anything, what right do you have to enter my house and take away the person who lives at my place?!" I spoke nervously.

"Are you kidding, Zee? What person, do you sleep with your every guest?"

I started to feel dizzy with what I heard, I was sure that fire was coming out of my eyes.
"Where did you take him?!"

"Never mind that, he has no one anyway. No one will care if you don't take care of him."

"You'll see! I will never let go of him! He has me and I have him! May God give you trouble!"
I was angry with such an anger that I wanted to punch here and there, but I had employees with me, I had to restrain myself.

Hung up the phone on my grandfather's face and summoned others, at that time a message came from my grandfather's number.

"It's too late Zee, it's getting dark and it's getting colder, NuNew's already frozen in the water..."

I shouted. "Fuck off!"

He threw him into the sea.

He threw NuNew into the sea.


My little baby...

When it got dark, I knew that he would be even more afraid, he would get cold.

He was even sick when I shouted him that night, he was even broken what I said...

When I said he couldn't interfere with my life.

He was so sensitive, so vulnerable and fragile.

That night he had a fever, I couldn't even imagine how he was right now...

I had to be by his side,

I had to be next to him,

I had to be with him.

Turned to my employees and told, "We need to find a diving team, reach out to whomever you can, it is so urgent."

While they were fiddling with their phones, I called my assistant, told him the same thing then called other ones that I can reach.

I would do anything for NuNew.

I would do anything for him.

I would have given anything, my everything, to save him.

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now