The Business

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After that day, I wasn't even letting Tor touch me. We met almost most days of the week, but when he wanted to kiss me, I pushed him away by saying I was sick.

Because I always had Mr. Pruk on my mind.


When the day that he held me in his arms, my mind, which was already thinking about him, could not let him out for a minute anymore.

I was hiding behind the door in the mornings to see what suit he was wearing and write down what time he came in the evening on my phone.

But after our fight that day, when he had to come late, he was informing me with text messages.

I think it's better if we're open to each other.

However, I still wanted him to come to me, ask questions, and threaten me about Tor.

At nights until he turned his room's lights off, I was waiting for him.

Maybe he would come.

He wasn't coming.
He wasn't coming.

Like I was going crazy.

I had to take the strings again.

I had to do something for him to notice me.

I didn't have a plan in mind yet, so I was going to improvise.

I went downstairs and found his office room with the door open, but he wasn't there.

I walked into the living room and saw him sitting on the sofa. He was doing something with his tablet in hand. I approached him. He took a quick glance at me and spoke.

"Some people will be arriving on for business meeting. You'd better get up to your room."

"I can't." I said, sitting in the armchair across from him. I leaned my back and closed my eyes, threw my head back, as if resting.

"What are you saying, what is this relaxed attitude?" While he was looking at me from head to toe, he closed the tablet in his hand and put it in the corner.

Now I was starting to get interested.

Continue NuNew.

"I've got business here, so I just said I can't go upstairs."

"What is your business, little?"

"You're the business." I said, curling the corner of my lip up.

He was taken aback by what I said, but tried not to show it.
"What do you mean?"

I averted my gaze from him and suddenly bent down and stood in a crawling position in front of him. "Oh, something must have fallen on the ground."

Then I turned my eyes to the ground and started rubbing my head slowly on his knee. "Hmm, there's someone here. And this person never cared about me."

I slowly brought my hand to the seams of his pants and began to touch his thing. "Nunew is trying another way to get his attention-"

He grabbed my wrists with both hands hard and stopped me. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing, sir?" I looked straight into his eyes.

"Didn't you say I'll let you inform what I do with Tor? Here I am."

"Did you do this?" He said as if he was broken.

Was he hurt because he thought I was doing this?

That day he left me in bed. So the things he thought I was doing with Tor were bothering him.

He would be even more bored now.

I whined and tried to move my wrists. His big hands were so hard that I couldn't pull them out. "Mhhhm, Mr. Pruk.."

I continued to rub my head on his knee and looked into his eyes. "Please let go of my wrists."

I made such an expression that I was standing in front of him like a little slave, begging him.

He let go of my wrists, not knowing what to do with a confused expression. It wouldn't take long for him to return to his former dominant form, but now he's baffled as I'm doing things he didn't expect from me.

When my ankles were freed, I pretended to rub them and stared at his face, and then brought my face right up to the top of his pants. I put my chin on the zipper and watched his face again.

He pulled the hair from my eyes back with his hand and touched my head. "Are you doing it just to get my attention or did you really do it with Tor?"

I pursed my lip. "Which one would you like to believe?"

He averted his gaze. I was making him angry.

When I realized that he wouldn't respond, I brought my hands to the button and opened it. I saw the Calvin Klein underwear inside and grabbed the elastics, opened it.

I stared for a moment as if fascinated as his massive thing unfolded before my eyes, and I rubbed my face lightly and licked it with the tip of my tongue. His hands caressed my face as Zee watched me intently.

How did he feel towards me?

What did he see me as?

And what would he see me as in the future?

With the questions that settled in my mind one after another, my nervousness was increasing. Also, my wildness towards Zee was at its peak and I couldn't stand it, started licking his thing in my mouth completely.

He was so big that it could barely fit in my mouth, and it was my first time doing this job, but it was like I had waited for years to make it.

I was trying to get it all, but it wasn't working, I heard Zee moan when I almost put all of it in my mouth, and at that moment I barely moaned too.

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now