Ever Ending (Final)

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I have made many good friends since I started university, but my friends in our group of four were the closest ones.

We were sitting in Jacob's room talking with Roe, Jacob, and Linda.
Roe was telling us about her new boyfriend.

"Show his photo, come on!" When Linda spoke, Jacob and I shouted at the same time: "Show us that! Show us that!" We started cheering.

Roe said "Okay, okay!"

She opened her phone and showed us her boyfriend's photo. They had just become lovers, so we were seeing the boy for the first time. While we were all making comments, Jacob put the computer on his lap in front of us and turned it towards us. "This man is definitely the most handsome and coolest lover of the people in this room!"

We all looked at the computer screen and came across Zee's photo. It was a photo on the Pruk company website.

I smiled shyly. "Don't embarrass me!"

Roe put his hand on my shoulder. "Even if you're ashamed bro, we have to tell the truth!"

Linda scrolled down the page and photos of the company appeared. "And so rich!"

Laughing, Jacob said, "Look at him, he's really embarrassed! His cheeks are red."

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Enough, don't mess with me!"

We all stopped laughing and Linda started talking. "Okay, but I'm going to ask you something serious right now. You guys have been living in the same house for a long time, right?"

I nodded my head yes.

Roe spoke. "Dude, has this man never approached you seriously?"

"How?" I said without understanding.

"So, after all, you're always together except of work or school. What would you describe your relationship as?"

"We are lovers."

Linda "Bro, he expects you to graduate or something?" she said.

"I don't know, we've never talked."

"But you're thinking of getting married, aren't you?" said Jacob.

I just looked at them before I could answer. We've never talked about this.
Would he want to marry me?

When I didn't answer, Linda interrupted. "Anyway, never mind, we asked because we were curious. Don't bother."

We changed the subject so I wouldn't get confused further, but I thought about it until I got home.

Would Zee really want to spend a life with me?
Or was he in love with me for a while?

No one knew what the future would bring, but at least it was predictable.
Zee was not taking any steps towards the future.

I knew he were really trying to make me feel safe when I'm with him. After the incident with his grandfather, we became even more connected to each other. But now I wanted us to be completely open and transparent with each other. We had to share what we thought with each other and go through everything together.

When I got home in the evening, I took a warm shower to get away from the questions in my mind for a while, got dressed and lay on my bed.

I mean Zee's bed.

We were sleeping together now, but he wasn't going to come home tonight because he was on a business trip.

Even our bed was Zee's old bed.
I wonder if he slept with anyone else in this bed before I came to this house?

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now