Blood Pressure

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I stayed with Nu all night, the nurse had come for the blood test early in the morning, so we got up and had breakfast, I fed Nu some breakfast from the hospital.

In the afternoon, I had him bring a dessert he liked, and then met with the fisherman and his son who had rescued him.

While we were talking to them, Aunt Leina and her husband came in with flowers, we left them with NuNew and went out the door.

“You have no idea how grateful I am for what you did, it's so important to me that you were there at the time, seeing NuNew and saving him…”

The middle-aged man smiled and looked at his high school son next to him. "I couldn't do anything, but my son loves swimming, it can be said that it was thanks to him..."

I looked at the sweet boy in front of me. "So I think you should be a very good swimmer, compete for the Olympics."

I put my hand on his head, caressed it, and turned to his father. "I want to give your son a scholarship for his next education life, please accept, this is very important to me."

The man looked at his son's face with the light in his eyes, and the young boy smiled shyly.

After saying a few more things and convincing them, they sat down for a while and left.

Then my assistant and other friends from the company came to visit NuNew, and even the general manager of the hospital where we were staying, wished NuNew good luck with flowers in his hand.

I was so happy for him, no matter how hard it was for us, NuNew was happy to see people worrying about him, understanding his place in my life better.

There were many people who loved him, but no one could love him like I did.

Towards the evening, when NuNew was in the room, I got up go to the canteen of hospital to buy for him something to eat, went back upstairs with my bag and entered inside.

NuNew was pulling the button-down pajama top off his shoulders and opening the lid of the cream in his hand.
I left the bag on the nightstand.

"What happened?" I looked over to him, and he looked up at me.

My gaze descended from his hair to his face, from his face to his pale skin.

"My shoulder hurt, the nurse gave me cream..."

I sat next to him on the bed and examined his shoulder. He was a little bruised. I took the cream from his hand and said, "I'll do it."

His face was looking at mine as I gently rubbed the cream on his shoulder.

The stance of his pajamas on him made me feel high.

He placed his hand on my knee and ran it over my manhood from there.

When I finished applying the cream, I put it on the other side of the bed without leaving him, he put his hand on my knee to my neck, and I pulled him to me.

Started kissing his lips, and as he kissed me, I slid my hand inside his pajamas.

This time our kiss was so hard, I could hear our kissing voices.

I pulled back and gently pushed him onto the bed, but I knew I wouldn't be so kind next time.

I missed him so much.

The past two days felt like years, as if I had been hungry for him, I had been thirsty for him for years.

I got on top of him in bed and continued kissing, after a while I went down and started licking his neck, then I took his nipples between my teeth.

“Aah! Zee..”

I quickly looked up at him. "Did you hurt something, did something happen?"

"Oh no, I just…I missed you so much."

"We will satisfy this longing to such an extent that... As long as we get out of this hospital and be well." I said grinning.

He smiled too and grabbed me by the neck and pulled me towards him, kissing his lips and we parted with the sound of the door clicking.

I quickly stepped back and sat in the visitor's seat across from it, and NuNew quickly slid into the bed.

While we were looking at each other and laughing, the nurse came in. "Hi, I came to check your blood pressure."

I spoke before putting my finger to my lips. "His blood pressure may have dropped."

NuNew continued this confidential conversation. "Yes, because I'm still not satisfied."

While he was biting his lip, I raised my eyebrows and watched him.

Mr. Pruk//ZeeNuNewWhere stories live. Discover now