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Please enter the current time.

Stanley looked at the clock, but it appeared to not have moved at all.

Why hadn't he noticed the clock was broken?

He assumed that the cold feet ending had taken around thirteen minutes.


Hang on, hang on.

Before we get started, can I just say something?

Thank you for actually setting the clock both times you've booted up the game.


A lot of people don't take that step seriously. They just leave the clock set at 12:00 and call it a day.

But you're actually taking the time to set the clock, and I appreciate that.

That's how I know that you care about this experience, you're paying attention.

Sure, let's go with that.

I don't even have any way of knowing if the times you're setting are correct!

Neither did he.

Tell you what, I'll make you a deal.

Since you've been so cooperative, next time you boot up the game and see this screen, just set the clock to your FAVORITE time.

Go ahead, pick whichever time you want! Even if it's not the correct time! You've earned it.

He'll keep that in mind.

Alright, I'll let you get back to the video game now.

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