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In the morning we decided to head to John B's. We haven't seen him in days. He's been god only knows where with his dad. I still can't believe Big John is alive. He's happy to see all of us.

John B explains where he's been, "Yeah, yeah, so we, um... we went to the archives in Charleston, and, uh... it was... it was a dead end. A dry hole. So..."

"So that's the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado," Pope states. "We're three-for-three, guys. The streak continues."

Since the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado haven't worked out JJ and I need to find new jobs. I wait in JJ's backyard. He was going to Guffy's to try and get his old job back. For some reason JJ is all wet.

"I'm just gonna assume you didn't get the job," I tell him.

JJ grabs my arm and starts dragging me behind him.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"I'll explain on the way," JJ tells me. "We gotta find Pope."

I get in the driver's seat of my car. JJ in the passenger's seat.

"Alright now explain," I tell him.

"So, I didn't get the job at Guffy's," JJ tells me. "Billy said the Kooks pay the bills. That us and our friends aren't exactly trusted by that crowd. He also heard the rumors that I stole the catamaran." JJ points at me. "Which you stole."

"Sorry," I tell him. "But that doesn't explain why you're wet. Unless Billy threw you into the marina."

"Nah," JJ shakes his head. "When I was leaving, I saw Rafe on his boat talking to Barry. So I swam out towards the boat to hear what they were saying."

"And?" I ask.

"They melted the cross down," JJ tells me.

"Shit," I remark. "All of it?"

"They were talking about selling it piecemeal," JJ tells me.

"Pope is gonna be crushed," I tell him.

"I know." JJ nods. "I know but he's gotta know."

"Not to make everything about me," I tell him. "But I did manage to get a job today."

JJ smiles. "Really?"

I nod my head. "

JJ and I find Cleo and Pope out back of Heyward's.

"Yo! Bombshell," JJ tells them. JJ stops and looks between the two of them. "What's going on? What happened? Detecting a real heavy vibe. What's going on?"

"Pope's quitting school," Cleo tells us.

"Being a coroner's kind of weird anyway, bro," JJ tells Pope.

"Shut up, wrench dick," Pope remarks. 

"Right, great. So it's definitely not the time for this," I state.

"Okay, shit," JJ says.

"What?" Pope asks.

"So I was down at Guffy's, all right. I was trying to get my job back," JJ explains. "And I see the catty across the way, and on it... is Rafe and Barry. I sneak over to hear what they're talking about. Pope, he has the cross. And he melted it down."

"I'm sorry Pope," I tell him.

Pope's clearly upset. "Fuck!" He turns back towards us. "Of course, it was Rafe."

"Yeah, I mean, we probably could've guessed that," JJ admits.

"The Cross of Santo Domingo, desecrated! For money?" Pope remarks. "God!"

"I know, so... I think we need to stay calm to make a plan, but we got to stay..." JJ starts.

Pope smashes a broom onto the ground.

"You're getting better at that," JJ tells him.

"This is messed up, man," Pope says. "Even for them."

"I know. Couldn't agree more, man," JJ tells him.

"They're just gonna keep getting away with it," Pope states. "They're gonna keep doing that shit. Gonna keep winning."

"I mean, Pope, is that news to you?" JJ asks.

"No," Pope admits. "But I'm sick of being the good guy."

"Pope. Pope, where are you going?" Cleo asks.

Pope doesn't say anything as he walks away. JJ and I hang around at Heyward's with Cleo. We help Mrs. Heyward set the table for dinner.

"Well, I appreciate the help, you three," Mrs. Heyward tells us.

"You know I ain't missing Mrs. Heyward's cooking," JJ tells her.

"Unlike my derelict son. He's usually here by now," Mrs. Heyward states.

"I'm sure he'll be back any second, Mrs. Heyward," Cleo offers.

"Either one of y'all moved the pistol from in there?" Heyward asks. "The one I keep under the register?" I shake my head. "JJ?"

JJ puts his hands up. "Whoa, okay. I didn't touch it. Okay?"

"Yeah, well, somebody did," Heyward insists. "'Cause it's gone."

"Wasn't me," JJ assures. 

"You see? I... Dang it. I gotta find it," Heyward says as he heads back inside.

"All right, I'm sure it's somewhere," Mrs. Heyward tells him. "Heyward, I'm sure it's somewhere."

"Pope," I say.

"Yeah, he's going after Rafe," JJ says. "Storm and I'll check Tannyhill."

"I'll take the marina," Cleo tells us.

When we don't find Pope at Tanneyhill we head to the Chateau. He's not there either. JJ and I wind up falling asleep on the couch. I wake up when I hear a car. I smile when I realize its John B.

"Well, look who it is," JJ says.

"Where the hell have you been?" I ask.

"Nice of you to show up," JJ says. "You gonna spill the beans? You gonna tell us the truth about what's going on?"

"Look, I know I've been a little shady," John B admits. "And... Stretched the truth a little bit."

"Yeah, that's called lying," JJ tells him.

"Yeah, I know," John B says.

"John B, what is going on?" I ask.

"My dad killed two guys," John B tells us. I look at him in shock. "He was trying to protect me."

"What?" I question.

JJ shakes his head. "No, no, no. Hold on, okay? You serious?"

"Yes. It was the guys from the Coastal Venture," John B explains. "They came here looking for Denmark's diary."

"Your dad capped them for that," JJ states.

"Yes, and then Singh showed up," John B tells us. "They took my dad, and then they tried to kill me. They took him to South America."

"South America?" I ask.

"They're on their way," John B says.

"Okay, hold on," JJ tells him.

"Then what? They're gonna off him? I don't know what to do," John B tells us.

"Hold on, John B," I tell him. "Just stop!"

"Just breathe for a second," JJ tells him. "I need to think."

JJ sits down on the back steps. He hits the spot next to him. John B and I sit down next to him.

"I don't know what to do," John B confesses. "How the hell do we get to South America?"

"No clue," JJ tells him. "But... we're gonna figure it out."

John B nods. "Yeah."

I grab John B's hand. "We're Pogues, JB. We always do."

Storm Chaser // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now