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We don't stop. Neville keeps going down the river.

"Look, Neville, they're taking my father there," John B tells him. "You're the only person who knows where it is. Neville, they are going to kill him unless you help us."

"They're going after the gold," Neville states.

"Yeah, what else are they going to be going after?" JJ asks.

"Then they'll die anyway," Neville insists. "Unless they can pass the test, which they won't if they can't translate the idol. You know the story."

"No," JJ tells him.

"El Dorado was found by a Guajiro king, and when it came time for him to slip his mortal coil and meet my greats on the astral plane, he wasn't just going to give the gold to his sons," Neville tells us. "It was the source of his power. It had to go to the wisest man, and to ensure this actually happened, he set up the test of the gnomon."

"Great a test," I say. "Just what we needed."

"There's always a test," John B states.

"Whoever passes the test gains access to the gold," Neville explains. "You fail the test, you die. If you somehow get to the gold without taking the test, then you die."

"Great. He's lying, right?" JJ asks. "'Cause there's no way that actually can happen, right?"

"Tell that to the crew of the San Jose and the Royal Merchant<" Neville offers.

"We don't want the gold, Neville," John B tells him.

"Well..." JJ says.

"Just want to save my dad," John B insists.

"Take the wheel," Neville tells JJ.

JJ nods as he grabs the wheel. "Yes, sir."

"You must go to the port of Tres Rocas." Neville starts to draw a map. "From there, find ferry passage from a river guide called Jose. He will take you up the Orinoco to El Tesoro. It is there. In the bush, you will find a site."

"Guess we back in the G-game?" JJ says.

"Make yourself pure of heart, pure of mind," Neville tells us. "You are there to save your father. The gold kills everyone."

JJ nods. "All right."

"Move over," Neville tells JJ.

JJ hands the wheel back over. "Yes, sir."

Now that we've figured out where Big John is being taken, we just have to figure out how to get there. We take the Pogue to the dock by the Wreck. Kie's parents are having a party. Her and Sarah should be there. Then we're gonna get Cleo and Pope. Then we're off to South America. Easy right? Nothing could possibly go wrong.

"Here's the game plan," John B tells us. "Get the girls, go find Pope and Cleo, get down to South America as soon as possible. Cool?"

"Seems a bit vague, I gotta say, John B," JJ tells him. "Also, I don't got a passport, dog."

"Me either," I state.

"Hey, look, don't bore me with the details, all right?" John B tells us. "We'll figure that out later. Gonna get Sarah. Gonna get Kie, little rendezvous mission. Back on the boat, get out of here."

I nod. "Since Kie's dad hates you," I tell JJ. "I'll get Kie."

JJ nods. "Probably for the best."

"Let's go," John B tells me.

John B goes to find Sarah. I can't get Kie by herself. Her parents are all over her. Not surprised. That is until they get up on stage to make a speech.

Storm Chaser // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now